日本初!犬肉保護犬やって来た! 日本のマスコミも「犬肉問題」をきちんと報道してください!Urging the Japanese Media to Cover DCMT!

日本初!犬肉保護犬やって来た! 日本のマスコミも「犬肉問題」をきちんと報道してください!Urging the Japanese Media to Cover DCMT!

日本テレビ放送網株式会社 Nippon TV


[DMT Rescued Dogs to Come to Japan for the First Time:  Urging the Media to Cover!!]                                  ↓↓↓ ENGLISH BELOW ↓↓↓


現在、韓国では、一部の人間が犬食を文化とした「犬を殺して肉にする産業」 という生業が存在します。

現在の韓国の一部の法令では「犬は『家畜』に該当する」 となっているため、犬にとっては 無法地帯のごとく、多くの犬が犠牲になっています。

ここではこれらを反対すると共に、この現実を世界に周知させ、人間の仲間である筈の 犬の「生きる権利 」を訴えることを目的とします。

韓国では多くの犬肉業者が存在し反対派も多く存在する中で根本的な解決もないままに、2020年11月 犬屠殺場から奇跡的にレスキューされた 「24頭」が救いを求め 生きる場所を探すために日本にやって来ました!

長い歴史の中で「犬肉」にされかけた犬たちが、しかも これほどの頭数が、日本に来たのは史上初です!


「なぜ、この子たちが 食べられなければ いけなかったのか」

なぜ、この子たちが 日本に逃げて来なくては ならないのか」

この現実をまず 各テレビ局に届け 、多くのマスメディアに参入して頂くことを 私たちは望んでいます!

この主旨に賛同を頂けましたら、ぜひ 署名を よろしくお願い申し上げます。

「残酷に殺すと美味しくなる」という「迷信」を信じるままに、動物たちを生きたままバーナーで焼き殺す などの蛮行を続ける犬肉産業者らは、まだまだ世界中に数多く存在し続けています。

世界中で年間何千万頭という、残酷に殺され 怒号の悲鳴をあげて死んでいった犬たちの 亡き声を、私たちの一人一人が 声をあげて 、今でも 犠牲になっている犬たちのためにどうかお願いします! 









●参考:犬肉関連ドキュメンタリー映画 / 本


[DMT Rescued Dogs to Come to Japan for the First Time: Urging the Media to Cover!!]

In South Korea, some people still regard the consumption of dog meat as part of their food culture.  Therefore, professional dog meat traders still exist in South Korea today.

Under the South Korean livestock laws in effect as of the first day of 2020, dogs are included in the livestock category.  This means that they are considered to be edible.  Therefore, the South Korean Animal Protection Act is meaningless with regard to dogs.  In this current situation, without laws to protect them, many dogs are falling victim to those who want to eat them. 

We are adamantly opposed to this atrocity!

Oddly enough, the Japanese media has almost never covered the topic of the global dog and cat meat trade.  Therefore, we have decided to stand up and make this issue widely known to the people of Japan.  Our goal is to increase awareness in Japan about the cruel dog and cat meat trade in Asia / Africa, in order to increase more pressure on DCMT countries.

We strongly demand that all dogs be given the right to live! 

Dogs are our friends!  They are not food!

Although there are many dog meat traders in South Korea, there are also many people there who are opposed to the consumption of dog meat.  In such circumstances, a fundamental solution to the issue of the dog meat trade has not yet been found.  However, early this summer, 25 dogs which were miraculously rescued by CARE from an illegal slaughterhouse in Cheonan City, South Korea, will come to Japan!  This the first time in history that so many dogs will come to Japan after escaping from the dog meat trade.  In Japan, they will seek safe and secure places to live for the rest of their lives. 

Why do these and other dogs have to live in fear of being eaten?  Why are they forced to flee from their own country to Japan?

First, we intend to spread this information to Japanese TV stations, and then we hope many other kinds of mass media in Japan will also get involved!

If you agree that the Japanese media should cover the story of these rescued dogs, we would appreciate your signature.

Please help us tell the Japanese media to address the issue of the dog and cat meat trade, which is currently an important issue around the world.  

You can also help by working to increase your own country’s mass media coverage on the issue of the dog and cat meat trade!  


Do not leave any racially / ethnically discriminatory comments here.  In each DMT country, there are also great activists who are fighting very hard against this evil trade.

Thank you very much for your support!




  • 日本テレビ放送網株式会社 Nippon TV
  • 株式会社テレビ朝日 TV Asahi
  • 株式会社TBSテレビ TBS TV
  • 株式会社テレビ東京 TV TOKYO
  • 株式会社フジテレビジョン FUJI Television