Allow 5th season for SVTFOE by movement #SaveSVTFOE

Allow 5th season for SVTFOE by movement #SaveSVTFOE

30 de mayo de 2020
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Firmas: 1704Próximo objetivo: 2500
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Por qué es importante esta petición

#SaveSVTFOE is a movement that has worked hard for the Star vs the forces of evil series to return with a renewed fifth season on Disney Channel. From influencing fans to join and days where they meet to ask for the series along with the hashtag. Thanks to the movement we have been able to get very close to our goal including the attention of Disney Plus who are already taking into consideration the 5th season of StarVs. Please sign the petition so that more fans can join this cause and we can achieve our goal.

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Firmas: 1704Próximo objetivo: 2500
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