Against corruption, let's make judges comply with the law

Against corruption, let's make judges comply with the law

27 de octubre de 2018
Dirigida a
United Nations y
Firmas: 4609Próximo objetivo: 5000
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Por qué es importante esta petición

Judicial corruption is the world norm and it is the cancer that has corrupted democracies. Judges do not comply with the law because they are not punished for breaking it. This IMPUNITY is provided by other judges who judge and conceal them.
The cancer of judicial corruption destroys the lives of many people; in addition, it promotes generalized institutional corruption with abusive laws and public authorities that abuse its power, business and media corruption, which have as consequences crime, unemployment, poverty, youth without a future; In short, unjust, sick and decadent societies.
In Spain, the Constitution of 1812 established that judges be judged only by a Popular Court, now we can limit it to being the judges who judge other judges, who are judged by a People's Court. In this way, the human right is guaranteed to an independent and impartial court to judge judges and avoid IMPUNITY is guaranteed.
With the Popular Court, the judges will be forced to comply with the law and to condemn those who do not comply, ending the corruption.
International laws, such as human rights, protect us from bad national laws and judges are obliged to comply with them.
Therefore, simply if the judges complied with international law, the best and fastest revolution of all the times would be made, going from the current decadent societies, where a minority takes advantage of the majority, to progressive societies.
The Spanish social sector is pushing for a return to this rule in Spain, leaving evidence of this in the events of the first commemoration of Europeans's Day against judicial corruption (22-9-2018)


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Firmas: 4609Próximo objetivo: 5000
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