Afghan citizens are not targets, stop killing afghan people in Iran.

Afghan citizens are not targets, stop killing afghan people in Iran.

Lancée le
8 juin 2020
Adressée à
Signatures : 14 198Prochain objectif : 15 000
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Pourquoi cette pétition est importante

Lancée par Association Enfants d'Afghanistan et d'ailleurs

The Association « Enfants d’Afghanistan et d’ailleurs » joins with other associations mentioned below to denounce crimes committed by the Iranian regime onto afghan refugees. 

Some days ago a group of 55 Afghans from the province of Herat who were seeking work in Iran was detained at Dahana-e-Zolfaqar by the Iranian frontier guards. They were beaten, whipped, tortured and for the most had their arms broken, and threatened with weapons and forced to cross the Hari rûd river so as they drown. 

Among them were young and under aged people, fathers who left their homes in search of work to support their families, and even a young man who had just got married. A survivor reported : « While we were fighting for our lives and while some of us were drowning in the river the guards were laughing ». 

On Friday June 5 in the province of Yazd, Iranian police shot at a vehicle that was carrying Afghan refugees. The car caught fire, the police watched the car go up in flames without rescuing them and then left the scene.

3 people died burned alive and those who were able to escape are seriously injured.

These murders, perpetrated against Afghan refugees or workers, violate human rights and all national and international laws as well as the principles of Islam.

Thank you for helping us denounce these heinous crimes by attaching your signature to this petition and by disseminating it as widely as possible to all your acquaintances and contacts.  The more we are, the stronger our protest, the more the Government will be called upon to put pressure on the Iranian leaders, and these horrible events will cease  to be silenced and  unpunished.

We demand that an investigation be opened so as those responsible for all these crimes be brought to justice and that the families of the victims be compensated.

We are part of this movement and we will support the demonstrators in front of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

*Association: Liberté "Azadi" Based in Paris, Association : Nouvelle Page Based in Paris.

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Signatures : 14 198Prochain objectif : 15 000
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