Petition update

Dormant viruses re-emerge in patients with lingering sepsis, signaling immune suppression

Carl Tuttle
Hudson, NH, United States
Feb 23, 2020

Please see my letter below in response to Kathleen Dickson’s recent Facebook post on dormant viruses and immunosuppression:


---------- Original Message ----------
Date: February 23, 2020 at 9:43 AM
Subject: Dormant viruses re-emerge in patients with lingering sepsis, signaling immune suppression


Dormant viruses re-emerge in patients with lingering sepsis, signaling immune suppression
By Caroline Arbanas  June 11, 2014

“We were looking for viruses that people are commonly exposed to early in life and that persist in the body in a latent form that doesn’t cause sickness,” said Storch, the Ruth L. Siteman Professor of Pediatrics. “No one had really looked at this in a comprehensive fashion before. These viruses have the potential to reactivate if the immune system is suppressed.”

Feb 23, 2020

Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
660 S. Euclid Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
Attn: Gregory A. Storch, M.D. Ruth L. Siteman Professor of Pediatrics, Research Integrity Officer

Dear Dr. Storch,

I read your 2014 Dormant Viruses publication with great interest as I would like to call attention to the attached Quest Diagnostics laboratory results indicating a recent Epstein Barr infection. 

Positive Lab Report (My personal Dropbox storage area)

As you know, most Americans have been exposed to this virus by the time they reach their teens and after the initial onset of symptoms the virus goes dormant but remains in the patient for life kept in check by a healthy immune system. [1]

So a positive IgM at age 55 would indicate reactivated not recent as suggested on that lab report; it is a reactivated latent viral infection allowed to surface through immunosuppression.

The test was performed four years into treating a persistent Lyme disease infection.

Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus Infection causes debilitating fatigue [2] and can lead to cancer and in my case, Lymphoma. (Cancer of the immune system)

Late stage chronic Lyme disease causes immunosuppression making this disease far more serious than a simple nuisance disease (Hard to catch and easily treated) as promoted by the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the defendants of the Lisa Torrey vs IDSA lawsuit.

Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS) after early treatment and untreated Lyme of months, years or decades are two entirely different disease states; the latter being ignored for over three decades. Patients who have had a prolonged exposure to the pathogen are almost always incapacitated

Patient testimony all across America (and the globe) is describing an immunosuppressive disease that is destroying lives, ending careers while leaving its victim in financial ruin and these patients are left to fend for themselves; an absolute worldwide healthcare catastrophe complements of the IDSA, CDC, ALDF and the academics named in the Texas racketeering lawsuit. [3]

All Tuttle family members advanced to late stage Lyme before obtaining a diagnosis after years of deteriorating health. If we hadn’t met Dr. Sam Donta who spent a career studying Lyme disease at BU School of Medicine, none of us would have been treated. None of us tested positive for Lyme disease under the current FDA approved two-tier testing algorithm as we did not meet the strict CDC Western blot criteria for positive results. (2 out of 3 IgM bands and 5 out of 10 IgG bands)

I have included my testimony for New Hampshire House Bill 490 for your review. The bill passed unanimously in the House and Senate.

HB490 Testimony

Respectfully Submitted,

Carl Tuttle

Lyme Endemic Hudson, NH

Note: My letters to the editor have been published in JAMA, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Arthritis & Rheumatology, and the BMJ.


1. Everything You Need to Know About Epstein-Barr Virus
March 27, 2019 — Written by Jill Seladi-Schulman, PhD

2. Proposed Guidelines for Diagnosing Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus Infection (2004)


The following clinical features are commonly noted in patients with CAEBV [19–21]. Symptoms are persistent and chronic and generally consist of prolonged or intermittent fever, lymphadenopathy, and/or hepatosplenomegaly. Other symptoms, such as recurrent or continuous debilitating fatigue, sore throat, lymph node tenderness and pain, headache, myalgia, and arthralgia, can be encountered in these patients.

3. Read the Court Filings

Court upholds claims under RICO, against doctor defendants

Who is Carl Tuttle? 

My Dad Carl Tuttle Needs Help to Overcome Lymphoma 


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