Bring back Dashboard to Mac OS X!

Bring back Dashboard to Mac OS X!

9 de enero de 2020
Petición para
Firmas: 10Próximo objetivo: 25
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¿Por qué es importante esta petición?

Iniciada por Renato Figueroa

It's outrageous that Apple decided to remove this signature functionality of Mac OS X. By removing this feature, Apple cripples its operative system and extirpates a great piece of its identity, vision, personality and spirit. All of them, embraced by its original founder.

There is no justification for eliminating this jewel feature based on design complexity or because it is too hard for the developers to integrate it into the rest of the operative system. This is like accepting defeat and incompetence. And what's worse: making us, the loyal and faithful believers, pay the price for it.

It's unthinkable, counter-productive, counter-efficient, resource demanding, to download (or buy), open  and navigate between individual applications to get that tiny but valuable piece of information the precious widgets used to provide.

Its unacceptable to resign to this decision. This is more than a petition. This is a Demand.

Bring the Dashboard Back!

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Firmas: 10Próximo objetivo: 25
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