Steven Connell should be charged with a hate crime and relieved from community positions.

Steven Connell should be charged with a hate crime and relieved from community positions.

6 de junio de 2020
Petición para
People of Greenfiled, Massachusetts
Firmas: 1,818Próximo objetivo: 2,500
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Iniciada por Molly O

On Thursday, June 4th Steven Connell from Gill, MA was arrested for attempting to run over and attack a black man and two juveniles in Greenfield. Connell is a driver for the Franklin County Transit Authority and a member of the Fire department. He claims one of the juveniles made a hand gesture that made him think he had a gun. 

In the current climate we can not tolerate this kind of racially driven behavior, especially from people who's job it is to protect and serve our community. We believe that Connell should be charged with a hate crime and relieved permanently of his position as a bus driver and in the fire department.

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Firmas: 1,818Próximo objetivo: 2,500
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  • People of Greenfiled, Massachusetts