Desak Presiden Kembalikan Tanah Wyata Guna Jl Pajajaran untuk Pendidikan Tunanetra

Desak Presiden Kembalikan Tanah Wyata Guna Jl Pajajaran untuk Pendidikan Tunanetra

20 November 2019
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Video Youtube: Mensos usir SLB tertua dari Komplek WYATA GUNA


Gedung SLB Negeri A untuk Tunanetra di komplek Wyata Guna, Bandung, dalam kondisi memprihatinkan. Gedungnya sudah mulai rusak, atapnya 75% rapuh. Bahkan di beberapa kelas atapnya sudah runtuh. Di beberapa unit gedung, termasuk kantor kepala tidak ada toilet. Bukan hanya tidak ramah, ini berbahaya bagi guru dan siswa.

Ruang kelas nya pun kurang. Satu kelas terpaksa digunakan beberapa rombongan belajar. Tidak ada laboratorium bahasa, ruang TIK dan ruang penunjang belajar lain.

Padahal SLB ini sudah berdiri pada tahun 1901. Bandoengsche Blinden Instituut (Rumah Buta Bandung) merupakan sekolah tunanetra tertua di Indonesia, bahkan di Asia Tenggara.

SLB ini melayani sekitar 100 siswa SD, SMP dan SMA. Dan yang keren, tiap tahun banyak menghasilkan lulusan berprestasi Nasional dan Internasional baik di bidang seni, musik, Olah Raga, Olimpiade. 3 lulusan telah menjadi Doktor yang berkontribusi untuk bangsa.

Terus kenapa kondisinya jadi memprihatinkan begini?

Karena krisis ekonomi di 1981, Badan Pembina Wyata Guna, mengalihkan pengelolaannya ke Departemen Sosial.

Di bawah Departemen Sosial, gedung sekolah tidak pernah lagi direnovasi sejak 1986. Bukannya memaksimalkan fungsi komplek sebagai panti dan SLB, malah digunakan untuk fungsi yang berbeda.

Tindakan ini tentu bertentangan dengan sertifikat tanah dan SK Gubernur Nomor 593321/SK294/DITAG/1986 dengan Sertifikat No. B. 1190254, B 1190255, B 1190256 yang menyatakan fungsi komplek sebagai Panti Rehabilitasi Penyandang Cacat Netra (PRPCN) dan untuk Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB).

Sekolah tidak pernah diberi izin revitalisasi oleh Kemensos. Bahkan Ketika Pemprov Jawa barat mau membangun juga tidak diberi izin. Pada tahun 2017, SLB pernah mendapat bantuan untuk menambah kelas, tapi dana tidak bisa digunakan karena terkendala status tanahnya dikuasai kemensos RI dan uang renovasi dikembalikan lagi ke kas negara.

Gubernur Ridwan Kamil sudah melayangkan surat ke Mensos agar sepertiga tanah dari 45.000 m² digunakan untuk pelayanan pendidikan di SLB, tapi ditolak oleh Menteri Sosial. Mensos malah minta PemProv Jabar untuk pindahkan SLB bersejarah itu keluar dari kompleks Wyata Guna.

Semua itu mendorong kami untuk memulai petisi kepada Presiden Joko Widodo untuk menghibahkan komplek Wyata Guna kepada Pemprov Jabar untuk layanan pendidikan tunanetra sesuai amanat ahli waris Pak Wongso Taruna pemilik sebelumnya.

Kami juga butuh bantuanmu agar Menteri ATR (Agraria dan Tata Ruang) melalui BPN kota Bandung untuk terbitkan Sertifikat Hak Pakai atas tanah di komplek Wyata Guna untuk SLBN A kota Bandung di bawah PemProv. Jabar sebagai wujud pelaksanaan Undang Undang No. 8 tahun 2016 dan pelaksanaan Undang Undang No. 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Agar Dinas Pendidikan bisa membangun, merevitalisasi gedung SLB.

Sebagai sekolah tuna netra tertua di Asia Tenggara sudah selayaknya Menteri Pendidikan juga memberikan perhatian lebih mengingat sekolah itu merupakan pusat kajian, perkembangan pendidikan luar biasa, pusat penelitian dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi/akademisi, sebagai tempat observasi, profil pendidikan luar biasa di Indonesia yaitu dengan membangun sekolah yang layak dan aksesibel bagi disabilitas netra.

Berbagai upaya sudah kami lakukan dari tahun 2012. Dari mediasi oleh Komnas HAM, audiensi ke DPRD Jabar, bahkan melapor ke kantor Staf Kepresidenan Deputi HAM.

Terakhir, mediasi di fasilitasi oleh ombudsman September 2019. Namun Mensos tidak hadir, seolah tidak peduli dan tidak aspiratif. Belum pula ada jawaban dari Komisi VIII dan X DPR RI, Kemenko dan Menteri terkait lainnya. Namun belum ada jawaban.

Karena itu kami membutuhkan bantuanmu, semoga suara publik bisa mendesak Presiden Joko Widodo agar mengembalikan Komplek Wyata Guna ke fungsi sebelumnya untuk layanan pendidikan tunanetra.

Demikian petisi ini disampaikan kepada Presiden sekaligus wujud implementasi UU No. 8 tahun 2016 dan tema peringatan Hari Disabilitas Internasional 2019 “Indonesia Inklusi Disabilitas Unggul”.


Forum Penyelamat Pendidikan Tunanetra

(Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia (Pertuni), Ikatan Tunanetra Muslim Indonesia (ITMI), Perkumpulan Tunanetra Kristiani Indonesia (Petki), Persatuan Tunanetra Ahli Pijat Indonesia (Pertapi), Ikatan Alumni Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri A (SLBNA) Pajajaran Kota Bandung, Asosiasi Penyelenggara Pendidikan Kaum Berkebutuhan Khusus (AP2KBKI), Forum Komunikasi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Jawa Barat, Ikatan, Guru Pendidikan Khusus Indonesia (IGPKH), Forum Doktor Tunanetra Indonesia dan gabungan lembaga: Komite SLBNA Kota Bandung, Yayasan Penyantun Wyata Guna (YPWG), Yayasan Gabungan Panti Pijat Tunanetra (YGPPT), Forum Akademisi Luar Biasa, Gabungan Elemen Mahasiswa dan didukung oleh Koalisi, Disabilitas/Pokja Inklusi Nasional yang memiliki simpati dan empati mendampingi, mengadvokasi, memperjuangkan hak dengan prinsip pemenuhan, penghormatan, pelindungan penyandang disabilitas dalam memperoleh hak-haknya sebagai warga negara)

Puluhan Siswa SLBN A Bandung Tulis Surat Untuk Presiden Jokowi | SBR | BANDUNGTV


Presiden Jokowi belum tahu masalah sekolah tertua bersejarah untuk Tunanetra berlarut larut

pertuni desak presiden mp4

slbnapajajaran instagram video

Surat Siswa SLB untuk Jokowi


We hope that Mr. President Jokowi is aware that the oldest historic school is in danger of collapse.

Forum of Blind Education Savior/Forum PenyelamatPendidikanTunanetra asked Mr. Jokowi as the President of the Republic of Indonesia to be able to provide solutions to the problems faced by SLBN A Kota Bandung which had been going on for a long time and unsolved.

Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has ratified and signed the CRPD (Convention on the Right of Person with Disability) and subsequently in 2011 issued Law Number 19 regarding the ratification of CRPD as a form of implementation that applies in Indonesia. However, it is unfortunate that the Ministry of Social Affairs as a government agency denies the law.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has violated the function of land use in WyataGuna complex at Jl. Pajajaran No. 50 – 52 Kota Bandung, which previously served as the education provider for visually-impaired persons and Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Disabilities/PantiRehabilitasiPenyandangCacatNetra (PRPCN) and has not turned into a ‘Balai’ with different functions.

We demand the Minister of Social Affairs to hand back WyataGuna complex to the West Java Provincial Government to provide education for visually-impaired persons in accordance with the mandate of the Law and CRPD.

We also urge the Minister of Education to pay attention to the oldest historic School for Special-Needs Education in Southeast Asia as the school that organizes education for the visually impaired, bearing that the school is the center of study, development of special-needs education, research center from a variety of Universities/academics, observation object, the profile of special-needs education in Indonesia, namely by building decent school which is accessible for visual disabilities.

The above demand and urgency are based on the following facts and events:

A historical story will not be repeated at different times even in the same place. The value of existing history, humanity and civilization is too great when compared to the material value that must sacrifice educational historical sites.

SLB was founded in 1901 named BandoengscheBlindenInstituut (or RumahButa Bandung). It is the only oldest school for the person with visual disabilities in Indonesia even in Southeast Asia. In 1946, this school was changed to a School for Special People and in 1962 it became a public school by the Minister of Education and Culture.

In 1981, due to economic crisis, the Supervisory Body of WyataGuna transferred the management of WyataGuna Complex, which contained Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Disabilities/PantiRehabilitasiPenyandangCacatNetra (PRPCN) and SLB, to the Ministry of Social Affairs at that time. But in 1986, the complex was certified and controlled unilaterally by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The existence of the existing SLB was not taken into account, even since then the SLB could not conduct any construction as it needs a land certificate to revitalize/build.

At present, the SLB building condition is very poor and less accessible. The number of classrooms is inadequate, crowded; one classroom has to be used by several study groups, no language laboratory, no ICT room, or other learning support spaces. Even in some units, including the principal’s office, there is no restroom.  The roof condition is 75% fragile and needs immediate revitalization. Such conditions have been assessed by Bandung City Spatial Planning Office where the analysis of such assessment was conducted because previously the roof of some classrooms had collapsed. Based on the above conditions, it is feared that these will be dangerous for the safety of the Teachers and Students during the teaching and learning activities.

Now SLBNA serves elementary, middle and high school students every year at an average of 100 students. Many graduates who excel at national and international levels in the fields of art, Sport, the Olympics, and among thousands of graduates, 3 of them have become doctors who contribute to the education field.

We made this petition because we have made a number of efforts/reporting as follows:

2012 and 2014
Mediation conducted by Komnas HAM
6 August 2019
Report/audience with commission V of DPRD West Java Province
14 August 2019
Report to the office of Presidential Staff of Human Rights Deputy
14 August 2019
Report to the Head of Komnas HAM
30 September 2019
Mediation facilitated by the Central Ombudsman, but the Minister of Social Affairs and other officials who were expected to settle this matter were not present. Also sent a letter to Commission VIII, Commission X DPR RI, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, and relevant Ministers.

This petition is submitted to the President as well as the implementation of Law No. 8 of 2016 and the theme for commemorating International Disability Day “Indonesia InklusiDisabilitasUnggul”.

Forum of Blind Education Savior/Forum PenyelamatPendidikanTunanetra is supported and a federation of: Indonesian Blind Union/PersatuanTunanetra Indonesia (Pertuni), Indonesian Muslim Blind Association/IkatanTunanetra Muslim Indonesia (ITMI), Indonesian Christian Blind Association/PerkumpulanTunanetraKristiani Indonesia (Petki), Association of Indonesian Blind Massage Experts/PersatuanTunanetraAhliPijat Indonesia (Pertapi), Alumni Association of SekolahLuarBiasaNegeriA (SLBNA) Kota Bandung, Association of Special Needs Education Organizers/AsosiasiPenyelenggaraPendidikanKaumBerkebutuhanKhusus (AP2KBKI), West Java Islamic Education Teachers Communication Forum/Forum Komunikasi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Jawa Barat, Indonesian Special Education Teachers Association/Ikatan Guru PendidikanLuarBiasa Indonesia (IGPLB), Indonesian Blind Doctor Forum/Forum DoktorTunanetra Indonesia, and institutions of: Committee of SLBNA Kota Bandung, WyataGuna Foundation/YayasanPenyantunWyataGuna (YPWG),Foundation for Blind Massage Center/YayasanGabunganPantiPijatTunanetra (YGPPT), Exceptional Academic Forum/Forum AkademisiLuarBiasa, Association of Students and supported by Disability Coalition/National Inclusion Working Group who has sympathy and empathy accompanying, advocating, fighting for rights with the principles of fulfillment, respect, protection of persons with disabilities in obtaining their rights (CRPD).

Dukung sekarang
Tanda tangan: 101.801Tujuan Berikutnya: 150.000
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