More than 2% funding for Childhood Cancer.

More than 2% funding for Childhood Cancer.
Why this petition matters

My name is Darcie, i’m 7 years old and i lost my little brother, Dax, to cancer in August 2020. He was only 2 years old.
I started this petition by collecting signatures from my classmates. I want change, for Dax and for all of the other children. It shouldn’t be left to me, a 7 year old to demand change so please help by taking a moment to read and support my petition.
Thousands of children and young people in the UK are diagnosed with cancer every year.
Many of those children have successful treatments, many are left with life long side effects and then many heartbreakingly die. It’s not ok.
In comparison to adult cancer the number of cases don’t seem huge. But adult and childhood cancers are very different. Childhood cancer is caused by the normal growing and multiplying cells mutating. Adult cancer is caused by various different things including lifestyle choices so of course there is a greater number of cases. Therefore, it is unfair to label Childhood Cancer as rare and receive minimal funding and research compared to Adult Cancer.
Only 2% of government cancer research funding in the UK* is fully dedicated to Childhood (and young people) Cancer. Most funding comes from charities that fund otherwise unfunded research.
Currently a lot of children face serious, long lasting side effects, (including heart conditions, kidney issues, fertility problems and cognitive issues to name a few.) because of treatments they receive such as cytotoxic drugs and radiotherapy. Some children die not from their cancer but from the actual treatments used.
Children deserve safer, kinder and more effective treatments. They deserve a chance. An increase in funding will allow the research required to work towards achieving these.
There are around 1900 new cases of Childhood Cancer each year (up to the age of 15).
In the UK, around 240 children die each year from cancer.
There has been very little change in new drugs and treatments used for Childhood Cancer for many years.
Childhood Cancer is the biggest cause of death in children yet very little is being done about it.
Children deserve more. Children deserve better.
*Estimated amount based on data from the NCRI Cancer Research Database for 2018/19.
- Boris JohnsonPrime Minister