



署名の発信者 竹内 明日香

一方的な授業配信ではなく、双方向でのホームルームを開始していただきたいです。(English follows)





・保護者のスマートフォンでつなぐことで、多くの家庭をカバーできますし、通信環境や機器が十分ではないご家庭のサポートに手を挙げている企業も多数あります。熊本市では、全ての小中で双方向オンライン授業を決め、自宅にPCやタブレットがない場合は、ネットに繋がるLTEのタブレットの貸し出しをしています。4/6,7には教員向け研修をスタート、4/15から、実際に遠隔授業がスタートしました。 ハードソフトどうしても行き届かない場合の平等性の担保という観点からは、録画+アーカイブ化による「見逃し視聴」でガラケー環境にあるご家庭に届けることができます。もし双方向でつながらないご家庭があれば、行政や学校が重点的に働きかけられるという利点もあります。結果的に虐待やネグレクトを防ぐこともできるでしょう。




資料はこちらから https://www.alba-edu.org/homeroom/

Connect children with their teachers and classmates!

Parents, Teachers and Students are in dire need!

Local government authorities, please implement ONLINE HOME ROOMS in our schools!  It is NOT a unilateral provision of online schooling contents.  It is about TWO WAY communication in an online homeroom setting that can evolve into a Two-Way online classroom.  

<Back Ground>

・On February 28th, it was announced that all schools would be closed to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 or the New Corona Virus.  Schools through out the nation shut down from the following Monday.  On April 7th, a State Of Emergency was declared for Tokyo and 6 other prefectures.  Many schools had to close through out April into the new school year and it is possible that there are further extensions to the shut down.

・During this time, children were stuck in their homes without any schooling.  Their physical and mental state as well as possible isolation is a major concern. Many of the private elementary and junior high schools have already shifted to online classes but for most of the public schools of different local governments, it is still being debated and at the best, they are able to provide class contents unilaterally from schools.  This will only exacerbate the disparities in education.

<Why Online Homeroom? >

・For children, it is essential that they lead a disciplined schedule and have appropriate communication with their teachers and classmates.  In the new school year, many of the children now have new classmates and teachers.  They would be eager to know about their classmates.  If the parents cannot stay home with them, children may be immersed in videos and games. 

・Opportunities to see each other’s faces, and listen to friends talk could save a lot of children.  It is not about sending out class work or teaching footage unilaterally.  We hope to begin by setting up a “HOME ROOM” where students and teachers can be connected LIVE and see each other.  We at Alba Edu have provided more than 500 children with “Online Ouchi Gakkou (Online Home School)” since early March and have learned that One-Way communication of providing teaching contents bore the children, but children can feel happy and smile if they have communication with their peers and teachers.

<To Ensure Equality>

・Devices such as parent’s smart phones would be enough for most.  If there are families who do not have sufficient hardware or telecommunication infrastructure (such as Wi-Fi), there are many companies volunteering to help out and provide assistance.  Kumamoto City has decided to conduct Two Way online classes for all their elementary and junior high schools and has provided LTE based tablets (which can connect to the Internet) to homes who do not have such PCs or tablets.   On April 6th and 7th, faculty-training sessions were held and on April 15th, remote classes began.   If there is still concern for ensuring equality, there could be an option of recording and archiving the session for viewing through non-smartphone devices.  If there are homes that cannot participate in the Two Way communications, the local governments and schools can prioritize their reach out activities that can result in preventing child abuse and neglect.

<First Steps>

・Starting first by holding a faculty meeting on–line, then conducting a pilot Home Room for classes of teachers who are willing to try would be a good step towards expanding later to other classes.  By having a two-way communication line open, it has the potential to evolve into an on-line class.

・Many parents, members of the PTA are desperately in need of this On-Line Home Room and Two Way classes.

・  Because Public Schools must ensure equity and fairness, a single school cannot act on its own.  We hope that the local government will lead this movement to mobilize the schools.



  • 全国自治体の教育長および教育委員会