



署名の発信者 Fridays For Future Sendai

(English version can be found below)
























丸森町のように災害の蓋然性が上がることがあきらかであり、台風被害からの復興途上の住民が強い反対の意思を示しているにもかかわず(耕野の自然と未来を考える会が行った、耕野地区に住む9割に当たる500名への意見調査によると、賛成141名(28.2%) 反対326名(65.2%) 無回答33名(6.6%))、住民の意思を無視して森林の開発が許可されてしまうのであれば、森林法、林地開発許可制度の存在意義はどこにあるのでしょうか。






※201.2.24 23:16追記…今回反対している計画の事業者は、仙南プロジェクト太陽光発電と丸森プロジェクト太陽光発電です。



Fridays For Future Sendai

・Fridays For Future Sendaiとは
 2019年9月、私たち Fridays For Future Sendai も9月20日の「グローバル気候マーチ in 仙台」を皮切りに発足し、現在は20名ほどの高校生、大学生が中心となって活動しています。私たちは気候危機の中にいます。気候変動から地球を、未来を守るため、正義に基づいて世界中の仲間とともに活動しています。メンバー募集中です。


Stop the destruction of nature in Marumori, Miyagi Prefecture! Prevent the building of large-scale mega-solar power stations.

A massive mega-solar project is being planned in the Kono district of Marumori, located at the most southern part of Miyagi Prefecture.

The construction of this mega solar power plant will not only destroy the nature of Marumori on a large scale but will also threaten the livelihoods of the people living in the Kouno area of Marumori.

At a time when we need to tackle climate change, the push for renewable energy sources such as solar power rather than burning fossil fuels is necessary. However, we cannot allow projects that cause enormous damage to the surrounding area, such as this, to go unnoticed.

This is not just a problem for Marumori, it is also an important issue in terms of the enforcement of the forestland laws and the protection of mountains and forests throughout Japan.

Please help us protect the forests of Japan and the survival of the people of Marumori, by signing this petition.

 ● Problems with the mega-solar project

This is the largest mega-solar project in Japan, covering an area of 115 hectares, which is the equivalent of 25 Tokyo Domes and more than 6% of the total area of the Kono district.

The construction will involve massive cutting and filling, which will fundamentally change the shape of the mountain. The Koya area is made up of very brittle soil known as masa-soil, which is prone to landslides. Hence, such large-scale construction greatly increases the risk of landslides.

Besides, the deforestation and the installation of the panels will reduce the water retention capacity of the mountain, requiring the construction of a regulating dam on the mountain to retain water. The dam is 98700m³,  the size of approximately 165 25-metre swimming pools. In the case of a daily rainfall of 600 mm (about the same as that of typhoon No. 19), this dam will fill up in 13 hours and will overflow with 13 tons of water per second. Needless to say, the overflowing water will flow through the Kouno area with sediment. During periods of prolonged rainfall, such as the rainy season, the dam may be at a near full capacity at any given time, causing it to overflow as soon as there is heavy rain.

 ●  The persisting damages of Typhoon No. 19 in 2019

The town of Marumori in Miyagi Prefecture was one of the hardest-hit areas by Typhoon No. 19 in 2019. 11 people were killed, the highest death toll out of all the municipalities affected, and around 500 people are still living in shelters. Also, with rubble remaining on top of houses and the rivers narrowed due to sediment, Marumori is at high risk of landslides. If this project is carried out here, it will be disastrous.


●  The forest laws' Forest land development Permit System is becoming a mere formality.

The functions of forests, such as disaster prevention, flood prevention, water supply, and environmental conservation, have a great impact on the lives of the people living in the surrounding area. If these functions are lost through reckless construction, it becomes very difficult to restore them. To prevent such a situation, there is a system called the "Forest Land Development Permit System" which judges the success or failure of construction work from the perspective of the four functions of forests mentioned above: prevention of disasters, prevention of floods, securing of water and conservation of the environment. If any of these are violated, the work will not be permitted under this permit system (Article 10-2 of the Forest Law). This mega-solar project is also subject to this review.

The following is how the current project affects the four criteria:

(1) Prevention of disasters (Law 10-2②1)

→It has already been severely damaged by Typhoon No. 19 in 2019. Road flooding/collapse, landslides, flooding of houses, the collapse of houses, outflow, etc. occur frequently. It is thought that deforestation will increase the scale of disasters even with the same (or lower) level of rainfall.

(2) Prevention of flood damage (Law 10-2-1-2)

→Due to the upwelling of the Abukuma River as a result of the typhoon, Route 349 was submerged and collapsed. Many houses were flooded. Streams (tributaries of the Abukuma River) in the district overflowed and collapsed in many places. A lot of damage caused by sediment and driftwood. These are added on by the problems of the dam mentioned above.

(3) Securing water (Law 10-2-2)

→With a few exceptions, there is no water supply system in the Kouno area, and all households use well water. When a different mega solar power plant was built, some households ran out of well water. There is a possibility that the well water will be affected at all by the large-scale deforestation and construction.

(4) Conservation of the environment (Law 10-2②3)

→Marumori Town is a "town of water and greenery", and the Kono District is one of its highlights with its rich forests and beautiful scenery from the Abukuma River. Large-scale deforestation of 6% of the area

All four criteria will likely be violated. However, the administration of the forest development permit system has ignored the fundamental purpose of protecting forests, and there is no shortage of cases where forest development has been permitted despite strong opposition from residents.

In the case of Marumori Town, it is clear that the probability of a disaster has increased, and despite the strong opposition of residents who are still recovering from typhoon damage (according to an opinion survey of 500 people, 90% of whom live in the Kono area, conducted by the Association for Nature and Future in Kono, 141 (28.2%) were in favour, 326 (65.2%) were against this decision. 33 (6.6%) did not answer). What is the point of the Forest Law and the Forest Land Development Permit System if the development of forestlands is permitted without regard to the will of the people?


●To protect Japan's forests and disaster areas

If permission is granted for this extremely dangerous construction project in Marumori-Cho, which was severely damaged by Typhoon No. 19, then it is not too much to say that permission will be granted for any construction project that increases the risk of disasters throughout Japan.

However, most likely the government (in this case the Governor of Miyagi Prefecture) will automatically issue permits even if we remain silent. The nature of the affected Marumori area and the lives of the people living in Marumori will not be protected unless we speak out for the strict enforcement of the Forest Law.

This project is one in a series of mega-solar power generation problems that are occurring all over Japan. As we phase out thermal and nuclear power, we will see an increase in the number of mega-solar power stations, but mega-solar power stations that involve deforestation increase the risk of disaster. Moreover, the negative impact on mountain, river and sea ecosystems has already been reported in many places. The fact that the project is targeting Marumori-Cho, a typhoon-affected area, is a discriminatory economic move that shows a disregard for nature and the lives of the people who will continue to live there.

We hope to collect 1,000 signatures between the end of February and the beginning of March to show the governor of Miyagi Prefecture that we are against this project.

We hope you will help us.


Parties involved:

Association for the Nature and Future of Kono
Marumorimachi Kono Solar Power Installation Opposition League
Kono Ward Mayor's Association
Fridays For Future Sendai

What is Fridays For Future Sendai?
 FridaysForFuture (Fridays for the Future) is a movement that started in August 2018 when Greta Thunberg, then 15 years old, staged a sit-in in front of the Swedish Parliament alone to protest against the lack of action on climate change. Many youths, including those in Japan have been inspired, and as of 2021, FFF groups have formed in over 30 regions.

 In September 2019, we, Fridays For Future Sendai, established ourselves with the "Global Climate March in Sendai" on 20th September, and we are currently led by about 20 high school and university students. We are in the midst of a climate crisis. We are working together with our friends all over the world to fight against climate change and to protect our planet and our future on the basis of justice. We are looking for members.

Contact: fffsendai@gmail.com 




