Reverse VT Parking Services Time Restrictions

Reverse VT Parking Services Time Restrictions
July 20, 2020
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Signatures: 6,584Next Goal: 7,500
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Why this petition matters
Started by Taren Woelk
Virginia Tech Parking Services will be changing their policy in August so that open parking is no longer permitted after 5pm, or on weekends. While this presents a massive inconvenience to the student population, as well as the Blacksburg community, it is especially hazardous in the times of COVID-19. These parking restrictions will put further strain on public transportation ridership in a time when use of shared small spaces should be minimized in any way possible.
This petition exists to bring attention to the policy change, as well as demand that it be reversed in the interest of public health.
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Signatures: 6,584Next Goal: 7,500
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