In what will be a long drawn out battle of David and Goliath, where our opponents are well organised and with extremely deep pockets, we will acknowledge every single win we get along the way, however big or small.
We are pleased to confirm that the planning application was deferred once again, and will be reconsidered in early May.
The odds are massively stacked against us, and so please celebrate with us this second moral victory against a developer, who ruthlessly sneaked in this application whilst the rest of us were enjoying time off with our families at Christmas.
It's only another month delay, but that in itself in the circumstances is a HUGE victory.
We aim to keep the pressure on by continuing to increase the number of signatures on the petition. We are up to 13,000 now collectively.
Everyone can help us here by SHARING the petition far and wide through friends and family please.
The more people who know about the campaign, the more who can and will sign it. Indeed we are finding, once someone is asked to Save Belle Vue Stadium they are more than happy to do so.
The petition details are: SIGN PETITION HERE