Alibaba to start accepting Shiba Inu coins for payment.

Alibaba to start accepting Shiba Inu coins for payment.

Başlama tarihi:
15 Mayıs 2021
Alibaba ve
İmzalar: 5.514Sonraki Hedef: 7.500
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Bu kampanya neden önemli?

Başlatan: Rameezul Haq

Shiba Inu is a memecoin which is gaining popularity day by day. It is developed by an unknown dev, "Ryoshi" to rival another memecoin, dogecoin. The coin is rug-free and listed on top Crypto exchanges.

If Alibaba considers accepting it as a means of payment for its products, the payments can be done on the spot with little or no fees. In other words, we may not have to use Bank cards for payments.

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İmzalar: 5.514Sonraki Hedef: 7.500
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