Defy COVID 19: save zoo, stables, farm & stray animal war-refugees in Yemen

Defy COVID 19: save zoo, stables, farm & stray animal war-refugees in Yemen

Lancée le
8 octobre 2018
Adressée à
Lise Grande (United Nations Yemen) et
Signatures : 2 834Prochain objectif : 5 000
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Pourquoi cette pétition est importante

Lancée par One World Actors Productions

Yemen's animal « Last of the Mohicans » are given their only chance at survival by One World Actors Animal Rescues Non-Profit; a lone, pioneering French Charity, who is using their local Ground Ops. Coordinators on-site to rescue starving endangered zoo animals, Horses, Dairy Cows and street strays in the middle of a nationwide war-zone under international embargo- single-handed ! Dedicating their life since January 2016 to the fight against the 6th Mass Extinction, OWAP is in action with 5 Rescue Missions:

1) iconic animals, birds and reptiles still trapped at destitute Ibb Zoo &

2)Taiz Zoo

3)430 stranded Arabian Police Horses

4) 256 French Dairy Cows dying of extreme neglect 

5) and a Stray Animals anti-rabies CVNR & Shelter Mission; Yemen's very first!

OWAP(-Animal Rescues), endorsed by Yemen's Ambassador to France & EPA/ CITES Yemen, is using 100% of public donations to feed the animals, devise and implement Enrichments Projects, build new humane outdoor enclosures to free the animals from their cruel dungeons  while giving cash for work to the Zoo and vet staffs in lieu of their monthly salaries. OWAP-AR is keeping them alive on-site where they stand for the duration of the war, but without your life-saving donations, OWAP-AR's ongoing struggle between Death or Deliverance for this forgotten country's animals is doomed...

.Please sign our petition to appeal for vital funding and to request the solidarity of all INGO Animal Welfare & Conservation Organizations, Yemeni Authorities, global animal rescue communities as well as YOU the General Public to help us keep these war-captives alive with more emergency relief food, water and vet care until Peace is brokered in Yemen and our Team can access these sites at last to negotiate the win-win long term solution we all so passionately desire.

"How, after 55 months of Ops., can we possibly abandon these lonely animals to starve once more in the midst of a brutal war and COVID 19 ?" asks Kim-Michelle, OWAP-AR's President," I am appealing to animal lovers around the Planet to join us to save these suffering innocents ; so precious yet so forgotten by the World !"

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Signatures : 2 834Prochain objectif : 5 000
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