Approve University Malaya Campus Election as tentatively set on 21st July 2021

Approve University Malaya Campus Election as tentatively set on 21st July 2021

10 July 2021
This petition made change with 552 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by UMCEC

The formation of the Universiti Malaya Campus Election Committee (UMCEC), since the 2018/2019 session is intended to ensure that campus elections in Universiti Malaya are held in a fair, clean, and transparent manner, free from any outside interference. 

The campus elections have traditionally been held once every academic year, or once every two semesters, on the second semester of the academic year. Since the 2018/2019 session, the mandate to organise the campus election has been bestowed upon the UMCEC, where previously the selection of the Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar, or now known as the Universiti Malaya Student Union (UMSU), were solely handled by the Student Affairs Division of the University.

However, it is to our demise that the right to hold the election is now arbitrarily withheld by the Students Affairs Division (HEP) of the university due to a floating rumour that the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) intends to regulate and standardise all elections to be held in November of the next academic year. 

Democracy is a government of, by and for the people. Campus democracy upholds students' autonomy, and the right to choose who shall represent their voices to protect their interests and especially their welfare amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This petition serves to urge the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of University Malaya (Prof. Dr. Sabri bin Musa), the Student Affairs Division and fellow members of the University administration together with the respected Board of Directors of the Unversity to protect and preserve the students' autonomy in this prestigious university. 


This petition made change with 552 supporters!

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