TNR - SAVE OUR STRAYS! 拯救澳門流浪毛孩!

TNR - SAVE OUR STRAYS! 拯救澳門流浪毛孩!

August 17, 2019
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Signatures: 10,785Next Goal: 15,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Fátima Galvão

There is nothing more precious than life – that goes for all species.

So how is it that in Macau, which is set to become the richest city in the world by 2020, the Government is so cruelly taking away innocent lives of stray dogs and cats? This is an ongoing issue that animal lovers in Macau are facing and fighting every day.

Macau is densely populated by humans – so, to control the population of stray animals, the Government catches dogs and cats and takes them to the municipal kennel. They are given ten working days before a few are put up for adoption on a time limit – if they are not adopted or classed as ‘unadoptable’ (which is most of them), they can be euthanized.

It’s time to find a better way to control the population other than just catching and killing while the dogs and cats continue to breed.

In many places all over the world TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) schemes have been implemented where animals are caught, sterilized and put back where they were found. This stops them breeding and reproducing in an already over populated environment. Logic. Macau claims this is unsafe even though it has worked in many other cities much less economically wealthy, with less facilities and equipment and higher risk of diseases.

Despite the overpopulation of stray animals, and the issues this creates, the government still allows the importation and selling of dogs and cats in pet shops.

Something has to change!

Help us to plead with Macau to change for the better – to become an animal friendly city.

What do we want to see change?

- Macau to stop the import of dogs and cats for selling in pet shops. Anyone wanting to have a dog or cat can adopt a local one.

- Macau must implement a TNR scheme to control the population of stray dogs and cats. This is a direct and logical way to control the population. Catch and kill is ineffective, cruel and unethical.

Macau needs to stop seeing their local dogs and cats as vermin and start appreciating them for the beautiful creatures that they are.

We want Macau to become the world role model in terms of animal welfare!

Stop the Cruel Catch and Kill Policy!

Make Macau an Animal Friendly City!


沒麼比生命更珍貴 -對所有生物亦然

澳門, 現時是世界有名的旅遊城市, 在短短20年間, 經濟不斷增長, 社會, 民生得到多方面的提升。 2020年 澳門或許會成為人均本地生產總值最高地區之一 然而澳門政府在處理流浪動物時仍在殘酷地奪走流浪貓狗的無辜生命, 這是澳門動物愛好者每天不停面臨和爭取的問題。

澳門政府聲稱當地人口密集 – 為了控制流浪動物數量,政府會捕捉貓狗並帶到市政狗房觀察十個工作天後,少部份會開放接受領養,如在限時內他們沒有被領養或被歸類為'不適合被領養'(被補動物中的大部份)他們的下場只能是安樂死。

澳門社會, 民生得到提升下, 對於動物福利, 政府仍沿用不人道的撲殺方法來控制流浪貓狗的繼續增長。

全球許多地方已經實施TNR(誘捕,絕育放回)計劃,捕獲流浪動物,進行絕育並放回原處。 流浪動物通常處身於人口稀少的山區荒地, 這能使他們在稀疏人口環境中停止繁殖卻仍可生存。這十分合乎邏輯及人道。儘管它在許多其他富裕程度較低,設備較少和疾病風險較高的城市中行之有效,澳門仍聲稱這措施不安全

幫助我們懇求澳門改善 -成為動物友好城市。


- 澳門停止進口犬貓隻在寵物店出售。任何想飼養犬貓隻的人仕都鼓勵在當地領養。
- 澳門必須實施TNR計劃以控制狗和貓的數量。這是控制流浪動物最直接和合乎邏輯的方式。撲殺是無效,殘忍和不道德的。

我們希望澳門能成為世界動物福利的榜樣, 成為百份百的友善城市!



MASDAW — 澳門流浪狗暨動物安康協會 Macau Association for Stray Dogs and Animal Welfare

澳門保護流浪犬隻協會 Stray Dogs Protection Association of Macau


MAWA — 澳門動物福利會 Macau Animal Welfare Association

浪浪動物庇護家園 Long Long Animal Asylum Home

澳門蒲公英保護動物協會 Dandelion Animals Protect Association of Macau

毛孩願有家(澳門)義工團 — FURMILY

澳門流浪犬樂園 Paradise for Homeless Dogs

浪浪(澳門)義工團 Long Long (Macao) Volunteers Group

AAPAM — 澳門保護遺棄動物協會 Abandoned Animals Protection Association of Macau



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Signatures: 10,785Next Goal: 15,000
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