Pass MN HF 3645/SF 3513 for Parental Rights!

Pass MN HF 3645/SF 3513 for Parental Rights!

The Issue

Minnesota Representatives and Senators have proposed a law to protect parental rights over their children.

We ask that lawmakers support HF 3645 and companion SF 3513 which respect the rights of parents to make sound medical and educational choices on behalf of their minor children, protecting them from state intervention unless a court has terminated those rights due to abuse or neglect.

This bill is an obvious winner: if a lawmaker does not trust parents to make good choices on behalf of their children, then that same lawmaker does not trust their voters to have made a good choice on the ballot. Lawmakers opposing these bills send a clear message to their constituents: they do not trust voter judgements.

Please support HF 3645 and SF 3513. Trust parents. Support the diversity of choices that good parents make on behalf of their children. Pass these bills and presume that parents are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Protect parental rights to direct the upbringing of their children in Minnesota.

Decision Makers: Tim Walz +2
1 Update


Decision Makers: Tim Walz +2
1 Update

The Issue

Minnesota Representatives and Senators have proposed a law to protect parental rights over their children.

We ask that lawmakers support HF 3645 and companion SF 3513 which respect the rights of parents to make sound medical and educational choices on behalf of their minor children, protecting them from state intervention unless a court has terminated those rights due to abuse or neglect.

This bill is an obvious winner: if a lawmaker does not trust parents to make good choices on behalf of their children, then that same lawmaker does not trust their voters to have made a good choice on the ballot. Lawmakers opposing these bills send a clear message to their constituents: they do not trust voter judgements.

Please support HF 3645 and SF 3513. Trust parents. Support the diversity of choices that good parents make on behalf of their children. Pass these bills and presume that parents are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Protect parental rights to direct the upbringing of their children in Minnesota.

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The Decision Makers

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Petition created on February 25, 2020