People with Asthma should be Group 6 for Covid-19 vaccine.

People with Asthma should be Group 6 for Covid-19 vaccine.
Why this petition matters

The current guidelines state that anyone prescribed three courses of steroids within a three month period or have been hospitalised for their asthma will fall into priority Group 6. This current criteria puts all asthmatics at risk and does not allow for those with moderate to severe asthma, i.e. those who require preventative inhalers, seasonal steroids and the flu vaccine to be prioritised appropriately.
People with a diagnosis of asthma are therefore in the same group as, and being vaccinated at the same time as the general population. I believe that by doing this, the government are failing to acknowledge the seriousness of the illness and the increased risk of mortality and long Covid for those with asthma compared to the general population.
According to Abrams et al (2020), those with asthma are overrepresented amongst adult patients hospitalised for Covid-19.
See article:
We therefore ask that the government reconsider the current criteria, ensuring that those with asthma are prioritised in Group 6 for the vaccine due to the fact that Covid-19 is a respiratory virus.
- Asthma uk