Stop flights between Taiwan and China 立即停止台灣和中國之間的航班

Stop flights between Taiwan and China 立即停止台灣和中國之間的航班
The Issue
武漢肺炎疫情日益嚴重,台灣持續控制疫情,成果斐然,目前為止確診人數遠低於日本和泰國。但兩岸之間往返密切,帶來極大的疫情擴散風險。建議立即停止兩岸往返班機,限制疫情擴散。Taiwan can help. 但台灣必須先自救,行有餘力才能救人。
2/6 更新:中國全區已列為疫區,且具有中國國籍者不得入境。然而封城地區台籍人士若透過管道從未封城地區航向台灣,入境時並不會強制隔離檢疫。這是非常大的安全隱患。既然已經宣佈中國為疫區,從疫區入境者就應該全部強制隔離檢疫。然而我國醫療資源有限,因此有必要中斷航班,保留每週少數幾個航班,分批隔離檢疫入境。如果為了經濟考量而不中斷航班,屆時疫情爆發恐對經濟和國家安全造成更大的衝擊。
2/8 更新:政府已經停止除了北京、浦東、虹橋、廈門及成都以外的航線。然而北京和上海都已經有群聚感染事件發生,風險極高。另外其他地區人員仍然可以透過這些航點往返台灣,造成防疫破口。
The Wuhan coronavirus is spreading fast in mainland China. Many countries have stopped flights to and from China, such as US, UK. The link between Taiwan and China is close and thousands travel everyday. This has created huge risks to the public health of Taiwan people, and may bring large economic and national security consequences.
Stop flights between Taiwan and China now - Taiwan must maintain its resources to keep 23 million people safe. Taiwan can help, but we must help ourselves first.
The Issue
武漢肺炎疫情日益嚴重,台灣持續控制疫情,成果斐然,目前為止確診人數遠低於日本和泰國。但兩岸之間往返密切,帶來極大的疫情擴散風險。建議立即停止兩岸往返班機,限制疫情擴散。Taiwan can help. 但台灣必須先自救,行有餘力才能救人。
2/6 更新:中國全區已列為疫區,且具有中國國籍者不得入境。然而封城地區台籍人士若透過管道從未封城地區航向台灣,入境時並不會強制隔離檢疫。這是非常大的安全隱患。既然已經宣佈中國為疫區,從疫區入境者就應該全部強制隔離檢疫。然而我國醫療資源有限,因此有必要中斷航班,保留每週少數幾個航班,分批隔離檢疫入境。如果為了經濟考量而不中斷航班,屆時疫情爆發恐對經濟和國家安全造成更大的衝擊。
2/8 更新:政府已經停止除了北京、浦東、虹橋、廈門及成都以外的航線。然而北京和上海都已經有群聚感染事件發生,風險極高。另外其他地區人員仍然可以透過這些航點往返台灣,造成防疫破口。
The Wuhan coronavirus is spreading fast in mainland China. Many countries have stopped flights to and from China, such as US, UK. The link between Taiwan and China is close and thousands travel everyday. This has created huge risks to the public health of Taiwan people, and may bring large economic and national security consequences.
Stop flights between Taiwan and China now - Taiwan must maintain its resources to keep 23 million people safe. Taiwan can help, but we must help ourselves first.
The Decision Makers
- Tsai Ing-wen
Taiwan President
No response
- Su Tseng-chang
Taiwan Premier
No response
The Supporters
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Petition created on February 4, 2020