saint seiya video game arc system

saint seiya video game arc system

10 de noviembre de 2019
Firmas: 2Próximo objetivo: 5
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First of all, thank you for your attention and the work done to date as guilty guear blaz blue and the recent dbz figther; After watching 3d games by Saitn Seiya, I think it's time to break into the market with a 2d platform game of this great anime. Now I will explain my reasons:

1) The variety of characters and skins with different armor allow you to complete the range of characters with ease (golden bronzes asgard poseidon hades and ovas), without counting evolved armor you can easily exceed 50 chars and create subsequent packs to include new skins characters of others previous etc ..

2) The main characters have 3 main techniques is easily integrable to each character that in the secondary characters barely has 1.

3) A 2d game of saint seiya was never realized, much less with that quality, and today still sain seiya series and sequels are still being released.

4) The detail in design and programming shown in other sagas perfectly fits the Araki style of animation and its colorful armor.

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Firmas: 2Próximo objetivo: 5
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