We want the new Nokia phones to come to Turkey in competitive prices.

We want the new Nokia phones to come to Turkey in competitive prices.

Başlama tarihi:
25 Eylül 2019
Nokia Mobile ve
İmzalar: 73Sonraki Hedef: 100
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Bu kampanya neden önemli?

Başlatan: Zafer Atmaca

Nokia kalitesini yaşamış insanlar olarak yeni model Nokia telefonları uygun fiyatlar ve kaliteli teknik servis hizmeti ile yeniden ülkemizde yaygın bir şekilde görmek istiyoruz.

As people who have experienced the quality of Nokia in the past, we would like to see the new Nokia phones widespread in Turkish market again with reasonable prices and quality technical service.

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İmzalar: 73Sonraki Hedef: 100
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Karar Vericiler

  • Nokia Mobile
  • HMD Global
  • Juho SarvikasHmd Global, Chief Product Officer, Nokia Mobile
  • Florian SeicheHmd Global, Nokia, Chief Executive Officer