February 7, 2019
Petition to
Parliament of Montenegro and
Signatures: 2,946Next Goal: 5,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by NGO Green Home

Polazeći od činjenice da je:

  • Crna Gora Ustavno opredijeljenja kao ekološka država već tri decenije;
  • Usvojena Rezolucija Evropskog parlamenta za Crnu Goru 2018. godine kojom poslanici izražavaju zabrinutost za neodrživu gradnju mHE ističući da se mnoge ne planiraju u skladu sa Evropskim zakonodavstvom i konvencijama uprkos otvaranju poglavlja 27;
  • Energetska Zajednica u poslednjoj komunikaciji (13.11.2018.)[1] istakla   da stav lokalnih zajednica povodom gradnje mHE mora biti uzet u obzir; 
  • Crna Gora obavezna, kroz proces pristupanja EU, implementirati odredbe Okvirne Direktive o vodama i član 4. sa ciljem očuvanja dobrog ekološkog statusa vodnih tijela, kao i Natura 2000 direktiva, što je suprotno sadašnjoj praksi neplanske i nekontrolisane gradnje mHE u zaštićenim područjima.  te očuvanju  vrsta i staništa koje se nalaze na Direktivi o staništima i  Direktivi o pticama.
  • Da nije razvijen i stavljen u funkciju Vodni informacioni sistem kao ni Planovi upravljanja vodama, što je bila obaveza u skladu sa Zakonom o vodama (Službeni list Crne Gore", br. 052/16);  
  • Da Plan davanja koncesija za korišćenje vodotoka za izgradnju malih hidroelektrana u Crnoj Gori na osnovu kojeg se izrađuje koncesioni akt i u skladu sa njim dodjeljuje koncesija vodotoka za potrebe izgradnje mHE, nije uopšte rađen do 2015/16 a budući da je do tog perioda dodijeljen veliki broj koncesija to se može smatrati kršenjem Zakona o koncesijama (Sl. list Crne Gore, br. 08/09).
  • Da nije urađena Strateška procjena uticaja na životnu sredinu na Plan davanja koncesija za korišćenje vodotoka za izgradnju malih hidroelektrana u Crnoj Gori što bi bilo u skladu sa Zakonom o strateškoj procjeni uticaja na životnu sredinu; (Službeni list Crne. Gore, br. 059/11)
  • Da su koncesije na vodotoke i ekološke saglasnosti izdavane bez suštinskog učešća lokalnih stanovnika koji žive i zavise od vode kao resursa, zbog čega protekle tri godine bilježimo proteste građana širom Crne Gore;
  • Da je minoran ekonomski učinak mHE sa proizvodnjom električne energije od 103 GWh[2] u 2018. u poređenju sa gubicima na distributivnoj i prenosnoj mreži od 516GWh godišnje a rijeke osiromašene,  dijelom devastirane dok lokalno stanovništvo ostaje bez osnovnog resursa;
  • Da je za 2019. planirano da 52%  proizvedene energije dolazi iz hidroenergije kao rizičnog oblika proizvodnje, obzirom na klimatske promjene sa kojima se suočavamo (do 2070 čak 25% manje vode u površinskim vodotocima)[3] .
  • Da smo se obavezali na diverzifikaciju obnovljivih izvora energije, posebno energiju sunca (potencijal od 280 dana godišnje u Crnoj Gori), povećanje energetske efikasnosti i smanjenje energetskih gubitaka (čak 20%).

Građani Crne Gore traže Vladi i Skupštini Crne Gore da preuzme konkretne korake sa zahtjevom da se:

  • Pokrene rasprava i zatraži trajni moratorijum na izgradnju malih hidroelektrana u Crnoj Gori;
  • Da se zaustavi dalje davanje energetskih dozvola po osnovu već podnijetih zahtjeva dok se ne sprovede Strateška procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu  kumulativnih uticaja svih odobrenih projekata mHE imajući u vidu brojne naučne studije u kojima se navodi da je kumulativni uticaj multiplih malih elektrana (ili akumulacija) veliki (March i sar., 2003; Odom, 2010) ;
  • Da se pokrene pravosudni postupak odgovornog-ovlašćenog lica u nadležnoj instituciji zbog kršenja Zakona o SPU odnosno ne sprovođenja obaveznog procesa izrade  Strateške  procjene uticaja na životnu sredinu za Plan za korišćenje vodotoka za izgradnju malih hidroelektrana u Crnoj Gori za 2016. godinu;
  • Da se pokrene pravosudni postupak odgovornog-ovlašćenog lica u nadležnoj instituciji zbog kršenja Zakona o koncesijama odnosno ne sprovođenja obaveznog proces izrade Plana davanja koncesija za korišćenje vodotoka za izgradnju malih hidroelektrana u Crnoj Gori za period prije 2015/2016 a kada je dodijeljen najveći broj koncesija.

U daljem građani zahtijevaju da se rezultati o napretku iz Peticije prate periodično a najmanje jednom mjesečno, kroz formiranje posebnog Skupštinskog tijela ili u Plenumu, te da se javnost redovno izvještava dok se ne ispune svi gore navedeni Zahtjevi.

[2] Energetski bilans za 2019, pp 15, pp 9
[3] The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report for Working Group II (Kundzewicz et al., 2007) , objavljeno u UNFCCC/ UNDP TNA Priručniku iz 2010.


Starting from a set of facts that:

  • Montenegro has been constitutionally declared  as ecological country for three decades.
  • Adopted Resolution of  European parliament for Montenegro for  2018  by which members of the parliament are expressing their concern regarding unsustainable construction of  small Hydropower Plants(HPP) pointing out  that lots of them are not being planned according to European law-making and conventions in spite of opening chapter 27.
  • Energy community in the last communication (13.11.2018) [1] pointed out that local community must be considered when it comes to construction of small hydropower power plants.
  • Montenegro is committed, through the accession process in the EU to implement regulations of Water Framework Directive and article 4. with a goal preservation of good ecological status of water bodies as well as Natura 2000 directive, which is opposite to current  unplanned and uncontrolled construction of small HPP in protected areas and conservation species and habitats positioned on the Directive of habitats and the Directive of birds.
  • That  Water information system was not developed or put in function as well as Water Plan management, which was an obligation in accordance with the water low (Official journal  of Montenegro number 052/16).
  • That the Plan of giving concessions for using watercourses for construction of small HPP in Montenegro based on which concession acts are being made and in accordance to it, assigns concession of watercourses for needs of construction of small HPP, was not made at all until 2015/16,and since in that period many concessions have been assigned and this can be considered as breaking the law of concessions (Official journal of Montenegro number 08/09).
  • That Strategic Assessment  of environmental impacts has not been made based on Plans of giving concessions regarding watercourses usage for construction of small HPP in Montenegro which would be in accordance with the Law of strategic estimation of the impact on the environment.
  • That the concessions on watercourses and environmental agreement are given without the essential participation of local citizens that are living and depending on water like a resource, because of whom we have recorded numerous protests across Montenegro in the past three years.
  • That the economic effect  of small HPP of Montenegro, with a total of 103 GWh [2] a year, is minor in comparison to the losses on the distribute and transition networks of 516 GWh a year, and the rivers are impoverished, partly devastated while local population remains without basic resources. 
  • That the 2019. plan was supposed to provide 52% of the energy produced through hydro energy, as a form of risky production, due to climate changes we are dealing with (by 2070, there will be less than 25% of water within the surface watercourses) [3]. 
  • That we were obligated to the diversification of renewable resources, especially the sun energy (the potential of 280 days in Montenegro), an increase of energy efficiency and reduction of energy losses (even 20%).

Citizens of Montenegro are requesting that the Government of Montenegro and Parliament of Montenegro takes over concrete steps with a request:

  • To start discussions and request a Permanent Moratorium for  constructing Small HPP of Montenegro;
  • To stop the further giving of energy permissions based on already submitted requests until Strategic Impact Assessment (SIA) is implemented, while taking into account numerous scientific studies that indicate that the cumulative effect on multiple small power plants (or accumulations) is big (March i sar., 2003; Odom, 2010.)
  • To start a judicial procedure against an authorized person for breaking the SIA law, ie. for not implementing the mandatory process of making a plan to grant concessions regarding the use of watercourses for construction of small HPP in Montenegro in 2016.
  • To start a judicial procedure against an appropriate authorized person in the competent institution for breaking the law of concessions, or for not implementing the mandatory process of compiling a plan to grant concessions regarding the use of watercourses for construction of small HPP of Montenegro for the period prior until 2015/2016, when the most significant number of concessions had been granted.

Citizens are requesting that the progress result of Petition needs to follow periodical and it need to be done at  least once per month, through forming special Assembly body or in Plenum, and that they have to inform publicity until all of the requests are completed.

[2] Energetski bilans za 2019, pp 15, pp 9
[3] The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report for Working Group II (Kundzewicz et al., 2007) , objavljeno u UNFCCC/ UNDP TNA Priručniku iz 2010.

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Signatures: 2,946Next Goal: 5,000
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