No to Labour’s Dartford Car Tax

No to Labour’s Dartford Car Tax
Why this petition matters

The Mayor of London has stated he will go ahead with his proposal to expand the ULEZ area to cover all of Greater London. If this goes ahead, non ULEZ compliant vehicles will be expected to pay £12.50 to drive into London for work or see family. Dartford Conservatives continues to campaign against any cross border charges.
The Labour London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, is threatening to introduce a Greater London wide entry charge to Dartford residents who would be forced to pay a £3.50 fee. Dartford Conservatives believe that this will have a detrimental impact on hardworking Dartford families who will be forced to pay this charge to do their weekly shop, travel into work and visit vulnerable relatives who require care during the pandemic.
The Member of Parliament for Dartford, Gareth Johnson, said:
“This charge will hit workers the most; the plumbers, electricians and other key workers who have to drive in to London to work and for whom public transport is not an option.
Any vehicle charge to include the Bexley and Bromley areas would have a significant impact on Dartford. Sadiq Khan needs to rule out this Greater London entry charge which is just another form of taxation on hardworking Dartfordians!”
The Dartford West Kent County Councillor, Jan Ozog, said:
“As a Councillor who resides in and represents Dartford West, I know how much this move by Labour would really hurt the pockets of local residents. My division has several crossing points in to London, so I know there are a huge number of people who move between the boundary to go about their daily lives.”
Sign the petition to say NO to Khan's Dartford Car Tax.
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- Sadiq KhanMayor of London