Ban the 'Al Quds Day Parade' in the UK

Ban the 'Al Quds Day Parade' in the UK
Why this petition matters

'Al Quds Day' is an annual Iranian-backed day of protest to simply oppose the existence of the State of Israel.
The UK demonstration is organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), an organisation that supports Islamist terrorist groups and openly promotes Antisemitism. The demonstration is held annually in central London and attracts thousands who, until the government's recent ban, proudly and openly declared their support for Hezbollah, a proscribed terrorist organisation worldwide. Despite this ban, the organisers of ‘Al Quds Day’ continue to support terrorist ideologies.
Antisemitism is widely peddled at every 'Al Quds Day' demonstration. Demonstrators regularly chant “From the River to the Sea….”, a popular call for the destruction of all of Israel, they compare Zionism to ISIS and recently, Nazim Ali, Director of the IHRC, blamed the Grenfell Tower tragedy on the “Zionist supporters of the Tory Party”.
Consequently, we urge the Home Secretary and the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police to ban this annual event, lifting its provocatively thin veil for the spread of extremist anti-Jewish, anti-Israel and anti-Western ideologies.
- Commissioner of the Metroploitan Police