Review the drop to legacy support for GCN based GFX8 ISA GPUs from AMD

Review the drop to legacy support for GCN based GFX8 ISA GPUs from AMD

23 de junio de 2021
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Por qué es importante esta petición

Iniciada por Juan Pablo Valverde

AMD announced with the introduction of their first drivers with FSR feature (Fidelity FX Super Resolution) labeled Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.6.1, that they are droping support to Legacy for all their GPUs previous to Polaris (RX 400 series).

As owners and supporters of products affected by this policy, we are worried that this is a political decision, not a technical one, as on testing and analysis, a considerable amount of products with their support droped share the ISA with products that will still be supported, as his ISA is GFX8, shared by Tonga, Fiji and Polaris GPUs, and knowing by empirical testing that those products are relatable in IPC and ISA.

Given this info we humbly ask AMD to review his decision of droping GFX8 GPUs to Legacy support and if posible review the policy too for GFX7 GPUs, with the hope to see also support for the FSR feature on this GPUs.

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Tomadores de decisiones

  • AMD