SAVE Titanfall - Take Action!

SAVE Titanfall - Take Action!

18. Juli 2021
Petition an
Respawn Entertainment und
48 Unterschriften:Nächstes Ziel: 50
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Warum ist diese Petition wichtig?

Gestartet von R S

Titanfall is one of the most unique games and experiences out there.

Players all around the world came together to play in fantastic, fast paced matches that offered unique mixes of action, gameplay, mech and pilot skirmishes with ai and sunk thousand of hours into this world.


Well, not anymore.

For months now the Titanfall franchise is under constant DDOS Attacks, that hinder players to join games and basically makes the whole multiplayer part of the game useless. Respawn has only put out casual fixes, that prolonged the actual solution to the problem - after a few hours, the attacks start anew.

Especially a pure online-only game like Titanfall 1 becomes unplayable - but is still sold on the market.

Titanfall 2 has a vast selection of DLCs - that still can be bought. But since the multiplayer component is rendered useless, there is no way to actually use your purchases in-game.

There is no warning, there is no messages for new players that says what is going on. This is illegal. This is a fraud. And we wont take it no more.

This petition was created to finally make our voices heard. That Respawn and EA have to do something now - take the game offline for a few weeks and finally fix the problem - but dont sell this game under the expectation that its fully functional.

For everyone who loves this franchise - please sign this petition and make your voice heard! Save Titanfall! - Raphael

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48 Unterschriften:Nächstes Ziel: 50
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