Legalize the carry of a loaded long gun in a vehicle in the state of West Virginia

Legalize the carry of a loaded long gun in a vehicle in the state of West Virginia
The Issue
We the people of West Virginia are allowed to carry an unloaded long gun in our vehicles and at night they have to be in a gun case fully enclosed. We have every right to keep our long guns loaded in our vehicles. It is an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights to have an anti poaching law against us. The thought that if we have a loaded rifle or shotgun in our vehicle we must be poaching is a preposterous argument. We have every right to keep our long guns loaded in our vehicles for life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Issue
We the people of West Virginia are allowed to carry an unloaded long gun in our vehicles and at night they have to be in a gun case fully enclosed. We have every right to keep our long guns loaded in our vehicles. It is an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights to have an anti poaching law against us. The thought that if we have a loaded rifle or shotgun in our vehicle we must be poaching is a preposterous argument. We have every right to keep our long guns loaded in our vehicles for life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Decision Makers
- National Rifle Association
American nonprofit organization which advocates for gun rights
No response
- Governor Jim Justice
Governor of West Virginia
No response
- Gun Owners of America
No response
The Supporters
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Petition created on February 19, 2021