Protect Costa Rica's sharks from extinction.

Protect Costa Rica's sharks from extinction.

25 de mayo de 2021
Petición para
President of Costa Rica Carlos Alvarado Quesada
Firmas: 2,030Próximo objetivo: 2,500
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Mr. Carlos Alvarado Quesada

President of the Republic of Costa Rica

By this means we want to express our deepest concern about the lack of actions to stop the alarming detriment that the populations of shark species under threat of extinction have suffered during your administration.

Recently, in an interview broadcast in the news program of Amelia Rueda on May 7th, 2021, you highlighted that the hammerhead shark, a critically endangered species, requires and deserves the strict protection that the Law of Wildlife Conservation provides. 

Unfortunately, your actions have not been consistent & in alignment with your speech. On the contrary, by signing the Executive Decree No. 42842 on February 18th, 2021, you authorized the overexploitation of these species as commercial species under the authority of INCOPESCA and the Fisheries Law, adversely affecting the technical criteria of the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), which state that these endangered wild species should be protected under the Law of Wildlife Conservation.

Due to the foregoing, you must immediately repeal Executive Decree No. 42842, and summon Law Project 21,754 "AMENDMENT TO THE FOURTH PARAGRAPH OF ARTICLE 1 OF THE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION LAW 7317" which seeks to guarantee forever the effective protection of endangered marine species under the Law of Wildlife Conservation during the current period of extraordinary sessions in the Legislative Assembly. 

In this way, the country will be able to advance in matters of marine conservation and proceed to lead the regional and global political changes required by threatened marine species. The Costa Rican civil society and the world could not expect anything less from Costa Rica.

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Firmas: 2,030Próximo objetivo: 2,500
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  • President of Costa Rica Carlos Alvarado Quesada