

The Issue

Dear LA County Department of Public Health and Board of Supervisors,

I am writing to you today to ask the LA County Health Department to find a way to allow collegiate athletes from the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SCIAC) access to return to our respective campus as of January 2021 in order to compete during the Spring 2021 season.  We are NOT asking for a widespread plan for colleges to reopen their classrooms, we are asking you to consider our sincere request to allow us to have our Spring athletic seasons.  

As a student from the SCIAC conference, I represent thousands of dedicated and passionate athletes.  We are strongly urging you to allow us to return to our colleges and universities to participate in our team and individualized sports.  We have already lost a season due to Covid-19, it would be far worse to lose another. Our sport is our passion. We work year-round to compete. A loss of two consecutive years would be a heartbreaking way for many of our seniors to finish their careers and it would greatly impact the emotional health as well as athletic development of many of our younger players.

We do not underestimate the seriousness of Covid-19.  Yet we also know that we will be responsible and safe if allowed to compete. Any rules you wish to impose to allow us to return will be followed. I recognize the fact that each sport will hold unique challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety of the athletes involved, however, it is our sincere hope that the LA County Health Department is invested in the lives of its college student-athletes to create a plan to allow the SCIAC division to compete this year.

This petition had 2,853 supporters

The Issue

Dear LA County Department of Public Health and Board of Supervisors,

I am writing to you today to ask the LA County Health Department to find a way to allow collegiate athletes from the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SCIAC) access to return to our respective campus as of January 2021 in order to compete during the Spring 2021 season.  We are NOT asking for a widespread plan for colleges to reopen their classrooms, we are asking you to consider our sincere request to allow us to have our Spring athletic seasons.  

As a student from the SCIAC conference, I represent thousands of dedicated and passionate athletes.  We are strongly urging you to allow us to return to our colleges and universities to participate in our team and individualized sports.  We have already lost a season due to Covid-19, it would be far worse to lose another. Our sport is our passion. We work year-round to compete. A loss of two consecutive years would be a heartbreaking way for many of our seniors to finish their careers and it would greatly impact the emotional health as well as athletic development of many of our younger players.

We do not underestimate the seriousness of Covid-19.  Yet we also know that we will be responsible and safe if allowed to compete. Any rules you wish to impose to allow us to return will be followed. I recognize the fact that each sport will hold unique challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety of the athletes involved, however, it is our sincere hope that the LA County Health Department is invested in the lives of its college student-athletes to create a plan to allow the SCIAC division to compete this year.

Petition Closed

This petition had 2,853 supporters

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The Decision Makers

  • County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors

    No response

  • Los Angeles Department of Public Health

    No response

The Supporters

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Petition created on October 27, 2020