Maintain the accessibility of financial advice for everyone: keep the DSC!

Maintain the accessibility of financial advice for everyone: keep the DSC!

Lancée le
25 janvier 2020
Adressée à
Éric Girard et
Signatures : 1 312Prochain objectif : 1 500
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Pourquoi cette pétition est importante

Lancée par Flavio VANI

Mr. Louis Morisset, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, announced on December 19 that the deferred sales charge (DSC) for the sale of mutual funds for Quebecers will soon be prohibited.

The PAFSA (Professional Association of Financial Services Advisors) wrote a letter to the Minister of Finance on your behalf, asking him not to abolish the DSC.

We ask you to please sign this query so that this regulation is not put into effect! Otherwise, it will cause irreparable damage to access to professional advice for all Quebecers. Furthermore, it will seriously compromise the future of the financial advisory profession.

Please share this query with your network in order to obtain their support.

Thank you!

Flavio Vani
President of the PAFSA

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Signatures : 1 312Prochain objectif : 1 500
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