支持將「中華航空」正名為「台灣航空」Call for Petition of Rectifying “China Airlines” with “Taiwan Airlines"

支持將「中華航空」正名為「台灣航空」Call for Petition of Rectifying “China Airlines” with “Taiwan Airlines"

February 19, 2020
Petition to
台灣總統蔡英文 Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen
Signatures: 55,418Next Goal: 75,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Taiwanese American Senior Society - East Bay & Washington DC

從中國武漢爆發的新型冠狀病毒( COVID-19) [簡稱「武漢肺炎病毒」] 正極速擴散中,世界各國為了避免被病毒感染,紛紛禁止中國人或由中國出發的班機入境。

中華航空(China Airlines)因受名號易被混淆之累,在這次「武漢肺炎病毒」事件也造成不小的困擾。義大利當局曾在1/30日暫停華航班機往返,另外2/1日越南政府一度拒絕台灣所屬的班機入境,再者2/10日菲律賓也基於「一個中國」政策,禁止台灣籍旅客入境。目前全球有近百個國家已針對中國採取了特殊的入境管理措施。為了向世界宣揚台灣與中國沒關係,我們所有涉外單位正名為「台灣」已刻不容緩。


因此,我們懇請海內外熱愛台灣的人士連署,支持、敦促台灣蔡英文政府將「中華航空」正名(Rectify)為「台灣航空」,是幸! 天佑台灣!

The outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus, aka “COVID-19”, quickly spreads from its epicenter in China, to all around the world like a wildfire.  To prevent contagion, many countries close their ports to Chinese and/or China-originated air flights.

The Taiwan-owned “China Airlines” fell victim due to confusing commercial title.   As a sovereign country, Taiwan’s health agency has done supremely to prevent pestilent development of COVID-19 into its border.  Taiwan is not a threat to epidemic expansion of COVID-19.  But the name of “China Airlines” causes quite a fiasco in several countries.  On January 30, 2020, Italy terminated all flights of “China Airlines” to and from its major airports.  On February 1, 2020, Vietnam did the same.  Further, on February 10, 2020, the Philippines based on the notorious  “one-China policy” prohibited all Taiwanese visitors including air flights.  Right now, approximately one hundred countries impose strict immigration and entry controls of Chinese citizens to enter their borders.  Blocking air flights from sovereign Taiwan is an unfair treatment, as Taiwan is an independent state from The People’s Republic of China.

We urge President Tsai Ing-Wen to take proactive steps toward the action of changing “China Airlines” to more identity-driven “Taiwan Airlines”.  This action does not need referendum or constitutional amendment.  It can all be done within the power of Taiwan government.  We know this is not an easy task.  It may touch many sensitive issues such as operations and revenues, aviation right, etc.  This is a doable and worthwhile effort to take first step to affirm Taiwan identity under resilient President Tsai’s government.  We must do it now.

Hence, please join the movement in urging the Taiwan Government to proactively rectify “China Airlines” with “Taiwan Airlines”.   God Bless Taiwan!

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Signatures: 55,418Next Goal: 75,000
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Decision Makers

  • 台灣總統蔡英文 Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen