Allow our "Dogecoin" funds to be withdrawn from the HitBtc platform

Allow our "Dogecoin" funds to be withdrawn from the HitBtc platform

Lancée le
5 mai 2021
Adressée à
HitBtc (HitBtc)
Signatures : 513Prochain objectif : 1 000
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Pourquoi cette pétition est importante

Lancée par Mehdi Bugnard

The famous trading platform [HitBtc] has blocked the export of the cryptocurrency "Dogecoin" since 8 months now (april 2021)
And this of course happened during the bull run on dogecoin.

The big problem is that the value of [Dogecoin] on the [HitBtc] platform is 4 times a less than on other platforms.

This forces the users / traders of this platform to 2 choices.
Sell dogecoin for 25% of her real value.
Or wait for hitbtc to unlock this feature.

After several tickets created with HitBtc, the only response from them is "Wait, our support team is on the spot for technical maintenance".
I am creating this petition in order to change things, and avoid loosing huge sums of money invested by big traders or amateurs

W would like hitbtc to find another solution, such as reverting to an earlier version (rollback), seeking external help, or in any case providing more transparency to its customers.

The history of "withdraw" on the doge shows successes of using this function every 5 minutes.
While indicated as OFFLINE

Thank you for helping us share this petition.
We soon reached our first object of 100 signatures.

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Signatures : 513Prochain objectif : 1 000
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