Sign against authoritarianism and institutional slavery

Sign against authoritarianism and institutional slavery

5 de abril de 2019
Dirigida a
United Nations y
Firmas: 3Próximo objetivo: 5
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Por qué es importante esta petición

We have proven that public authorities do not comply with the law (authoritarianism), which has led to decline (young people live worse than their parents) and to be each day more slaves of institutions.
The President of the Spanish Government and two of his Ministers, the former President of the Government (a political party now in opposition) and two of his former Ministers, as well as several high-ranking officials, are not complying with the law in order not to pay pensions and disability. labor to hundreds of thousands of workers.
This fact and these officials have been denounced by the President of the National Association of Victims of the Professionals of the Rule of Law (ANVIPED).
More than 20,000 judicial verdicts annually prove these excesses, but the judges do not denounce the public authorities that act criminally, allowing this abusecracy to continue. Even, sometimes, unfairly give the reason to these officials.
In the complaint is credited, among other things, the following:
1. 135,225 letters have been sent for workers to ask for their retirement later of that correspond to them.
2. Computers have been automated to reject retirement applications, with false legal arguments.
3. In short, the complaint accredits the functioning of the institutions "little democratic" and "dissuasive" according to the ECHR.
ANVIPED has worked intensively for 22 months on this issue and has taken the news to the media, having originated 22 publications in the press and a special program in the public entity of RTVE.
Several media have described these actions as "frauds" of the "mafia of the cutouts".
Social Security is the largest economic organization in Spain, surpassing the GDP of Kuwait, so this criminal gang has a huge impact on the economy of the country, impoverishing us all.
For this reason, if we allow public authorities to continue without complying with the law, we are allowing them to kill us, kidnap us, violate us and take away our income and savings.
Public authorities are using the power of computers and the Internet to enslave us.
If a sufficient minority does not prevent officials does not comply with the law, the increase in the decline that is making each day we live worse and the increase in institutional slavery will be inevitable.
This petition demonstrates the serious problem of humanity that is that authoritarianism has been installed in all countries of the world and in international relations. This petition is an opportunity for you to oppose authoritarianism, decline and slavery, not only in Spain but throughout the world, including your own country.
In ANVIPED we work to reverse this situation and to make a better world.
The more authoritarianism grows the more likely you are to be its victim. Before you become one, if you are not already, you can avoid it by signing this petition and you will support our work.
(We will only use the number of signatures, but we will not deliver them to the institutions to avoid any reprisal)
You can access the full complaint on our website at

The solution is that the accused be judged according to the laws
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Firmas: 3Próximo objetivo: 5
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