Implement LGBTQ+ inclusivity into Michigan’s k-12 curriculum

Implement LGBTQ+ inclusivity into Michigan’s k-12 curriculum

November 18, 2020
Signatures: 3,684Next Goal: 5,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Ileana Oeschger

(photo credit to Josie Shearer)

I am a queer college student advocating for LGBTQ+ representation in Michigan schools through creative research and autoethnographic writing. My website:

Implementing LGBTQ+ inclusivity into Michigan’s K-12 curriculum will create a more supportive and accepting educational environment for queer students. Without representation in education, young LGBTQ-identifying people do not have information to connect with. They are made out to be invisible, which can negatively affect their self-esteem and mental health. Consequently, straight-identifying students do not learn enough about their classmates and the impact their words can have. Therefore, Michigan should be requiring LGBTQ-inclusive history, science, literature, counseling, and sex education in the k-12 school curriculum. With this implementation, students may become more comfortable with discussing queer issues and learn how to be better allies. LGBTQ+ teens will feel accepted and supported by their teachers and staff. They can learn in a more positive environment. Hopefully, in the future, every state in America will require this curriculum. Young queer people in school need to be seen and understood, and their non-LGBTQ+ peers need to be informed. With an education that achieves these goals, society can grow to be more socially aware. Everyone, gay or straight, cisgender or transgender, binary or non-binary, will hold equal responsibility to deconstruct the heteronormative ideals that fill society and build a more inclusive future.

How can we begin to create an inclusive education in Michigan’s schools? The first step is through state government. Michigan needs to pass legislation that requires accurate LGBTQ+ health education. This legislation should clearly state that Michigan’s curriculum must cover: 1) queer sexual education, 2) the gender and sexuality spectrum, and 3) healthy queer relationships. Also, Michigan must require the implementation of LGBTQ+ narratives into our history. This means schools will need to add new LGBTQ+ texts to the curriculum or replace history textbooks with new additions that include LGBTQ+ history. The second step is through socialization. Teachers and staff should be trained by qualified leaders on how to support LGBTQ+ peers, address bullying, and normalize the use of pronouns in their classrooms. Students should also go through mandatory programs that discuss the issues of homophobia, micro-aggressions, and toxic heteronormativity. GSA clubs should be formed in every school to provide a safe space for queer students. Finally, there needs to be strict guidelines for how Michigan schools can handle bullying based on sexual or gender orientation. Each of these requirements creates stepping-stones that will lead to greater change as informed and supported students step into adult society.



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Signatures: 3,684Next Goal: 5,000
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