Support, Honesty, Equality & Justice in The Salvation Army for people who are LGBTIQA

Support, Honesty, Equality & Justice in The Salvation Army for people who are LGBTIQA

December 15, 2019
Petition to
The Salvation Army and
This petition made change with 767 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Salvos For A More Inclusive Church

“If we are to better the future we must disturb the present”

The Salvation Army was born out of a desire to include all, welcome all, and disciple all.

As passionate disciples of Jesus Christ living out our calling as loyal Salvationists we have been encouraged by the work of the Spirit in fostering inclusiveness in The Salvation Army across Europe. This has included Salvationist participation in Pride in Copenhagen and Amsterdam, same-gender married Soldiers in Sweden, and the re-enrolment of a woman who has a same-gender marriage in Norway, as well as support for and partnership with LGBTIQA people and activities in The Netherlands. 

We also note with joy moves for inclusiveness by Salvationists and friends across the Army world and in the majority of the countries in which the Army ministers. We are grateful for the leadership of our General who has called the international Salvation Army to take responsibility in his call to ‘costly compassion’, placing this alongside a call to ‘inclusion’. 

However, our hearts are grieved and we believe that the heart of God is also grieved by recent affirmation by senior leaders that the discrimination, exclusion and denigration of LGBTIQA children of God is endorsed, expected and promoted in the spiritual life of The Salvation Army. These unnecessary, unhelpful public statements further entrench our movement as one inherently, structurally homophobic, and reinforce the belief that The Salvation Army is not a safe, welcoming place for those who are not heterosexual. 

In the same month that the National Commander of the USA published a video suggesting there is no discrimination in The Salvation Army, a Territorial Commander in Sweden and a Divisional Commander in Norway used the media to specifically outline that there is no place for same-gender attracted people to fully participate in the Army unless they commit to a lifetime of celibacy, which is a clear discrimination. These leaders also publicly criticized long-awaited and much-celebrated efforts towards inclusion. This means that any statement that The Salvation Army is not discriminatory is simply “spin”.

This non-discrimination mistruth is hurtful to those in the Army who have been excluded or treated unjustly because they are not heterosexual. It is also obvious to members of the public that the Army has two stories: one for public consumption, and one that shapes the treatment of Salvationists, other Christians, and those who seek to paticipate in the worshipping life of The Salvation Army beyond receiving social supports and who are not heterosexual.

Our discriminatory practice and media mistruths will negatively impact our ability to share the love of Jesus for decades to come as people look elsewhere to find acceptance, belonging, support and love. Now is the time to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is already doing.

We don’t want to see our Army on the wrong side of history regarding a significant issue of discrimination and injustice. This is especially so when there is an increasing body of biblical and psychological understanding strengthening the case for a more welcoming, inclusive approach. The pastoral and mental health harm of a standpoint that reinforces segregation and enforced celibacy as a condition of participation is clear; the harm we do, we do knowingly. 

While appreciative of recent material prepared by IMASIC on the area of human sexuality and the encouragement of a Faith-based Facilitation approach, this topic has been discussed and researched at length for decades. The time has come for bold leadership. There are divergent views across the world; however, the inclusive view is a legitimate theological and pastoral position shared by other churches, and it is time to support our Officers and Soldiers to understand that this is not a denial of the biblical basis of our movement. While seeking to balance the divergent views sincerely held, justice must ultimately be our watchword.

  • We stand with Salvationists in Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands and Sweden who are taking positive action towards participation, inclusion and welcome. 
  • We call for local autonomy for Salvation Army Territories and Commands in these matters as a way forward with the objective of maintaining unity despite our different local contexts. Forced global conformity doesn’t unite us; it excludes and divides.
  • Similarly, we call for International Headquarters’ support for those Territories, Officers and Soldiers who seek to include, affirm and welcome people who are same-gender attracted as well as those who wish to participate in activities with LGBTQIA groups. In this we claim the words of Catherine Booth, “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.”
  • We respectfully but earnestly ask our leaders to re-consider the need to publicly protest against these small signs of hope, given that such protests further entrench us as a discriminatory and homophobic church.
  • We stand in solidarity with the Swedish Officer currently facing termination and unemployment due to his pending marriage. We seek prompt resolution on this matter. Too many fine Soldiers and Officers have been lost to the Army and even the Kingdom for this reason.
  • We believe it is time to drop discrimination regarding the gender of a potential Soldier’s or Officer’s partner, so that this is no longer taken into account when one is considered for Soldership or Officership.
  • Importantly, we call on The Salvation Army to begin talking with rather than about those who are same-gender attracted. We ask that a representative group of LGBTQIA Officers, Soldiers and Allies be formed to speak with senior leadership in order to foster empathy, mutual understanding and, most importantly, to be part of finding a way forward.

Our strong desire is to help The Salvation Army navigate current challenges in a way that is honouring of God and others. However, in this we hold that the dignity and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people must remain paramount and must not be sacrificed to appease other views and interests. 


This petition made change with 767 supporters!

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Decision Makers

  • The Salvation Army
  • The International Secretary for Europe
  • International Liaison Officer for Dialogue on Human Sexuality