The Heaven on the Earth, Gökova belongs to all of us!

The Heaven on the Earth, Gökova belongs to all of us!

Başlama tarihi:
13 Kasım 2018
T.C.Kültür ve Turizm ve
İmzalar: 80.039Sonraki Hedef: 150.000
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Bu kampanya neden önemli?

Başlatan: Özgür TORAMAN

The Okluk Bay – Değirmen Bükü area- - and the surrounding places (which are known as "The British Harbour") have been closed for all the sailors and the citizens because the government started the official process of expropriation! This area has a special importance for all the nature and sea lovers not only because of its beauty but also because it reminds us all of the famous Turkish sailor Sadun Boro and they are still very important for all the Turkish citizens here. Gökova was defined as “the Paradise on Earth” by the Captain Cousteau himself as well! This puts the “Blue Cruise” boats which make an important contribution to the tourism, the farmers in the environment, the small organisations and enterprises in the area, welcoming the travelers, and the ordinary sightseers who enjoy the sea there in a doubtful situation of “prohibited ones”!

We claim that “all the seas, and coasts belong to the sailors, cruisers, villagers and fishermen; or briefly to all the citizens AND this right shouldn’t be taken off them!!

We wish that this unfair situation will soon be ended!

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İmzalar: 80.039Sonraki Hedef: 150.000
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