Management Policy to reform the United Nations for the Consolidation of Human Rights

Management Policy to reform the United Nations for the Consolidation of Human Rights

9 de septiembre de 2020
Petición para
European Parliament of the European Union y
Firmas: 3Próximo objetivo: 5
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Iniciada por Arca Tierra ONG

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Humanity and nature are at the mercy of extinction due to impunity for crimes against humanity and environmental crimes. The United Nations has failed to promote respect for human and environmental rights due to lack of justice, in its administration it supports and has appointed regimes accused of narco-terrorist and others crimes against humanity, such as, the Venezuelan regime included it in the Security Council and Human Rights of the United Nations.

This petition will reform the management of the United Nations so that by means of a scoring system, based on the statistics of respect for human and environmental rights of each country, it will position it within a ranking. In this world ranking, if a nation has very low scores, they will not have the right to vote either in the United Nations Security Council or in matters of human and environmental rights. The higher a nation's score, the more weight its votes will have in United Nations decision-making, thus promoting respect for human and environmental rights.

In cases of very low scores where a state commits genocide, or terrorism, holodomor, drug trafficking, organized crime, human trafficking, ...... Some of these crimes against humanity or all of the above, as is the case of the regime of Venezuela, which is accused of committing these crimes and many others, justice must be applied to guarantee the safety of citizens, since it would be considered the kidnapping of a country by a criminal gang.

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Firmas: 3Próximo objetivo: 5
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