Call on the U​.​S. and European governments to ban the giraffe trade.

Call on the U​.​S. and European governments to ban the giraffe trade.

8 dicembre 2019
Petizione diretta a
Firme: 10.902Prossimo obiettivo: 15.000
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Perché questa petizione è importante

Lanciata da Friend of the Earth

Friend of the Earth needs your signature to lead North American and EU Government to review their position about the giraffe trade. We will send all signatures of this petition to the governments and online retailers selling giraffes products and we will ask for feedback and updates on the undertaken measures. We will then provide you with update here.

The problem:

The population overall has declined 30 percent in 15 years and in some areas about 95%. There are now approximately 117’000 giraffes left in the wild. The remaining herds are fragmented and face a multitude of threats, from habitat loss to poaching.

Their decline by 40 per cent over the past 30 years leads to be cataloged it the animal as Vulnerable (VU), while in a 2018 update all species and subspecies changed the wording to Near Threated (NT), Endangered (EN), Critically Endangered (CR).

Habitat degradation is a major factor in the decline of populations. These issues arise from an increasing human population and conversion of land to agriculture and man-made structures, including buildings and roads. Giraffes are also hunted for their meat, demanded by local communities. In some African cultures, giraffe tails are also used as “good luck” charms.

In August 2019 Giraffes were put on the Cites Appendix II meaning that the commercial trade will now be recorded and followed in a more sustainable way. 

With this petition, we would like to raise awareness about this silent extinction, sensibilize the governments and ask the online retailers to stop promoting the trade of Giraffes products.

Thank you for signing and spreading this petition!

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Together we can make a change!

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Firme: 10.902Prossimo obiettivo: 15.000
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