Catalonia must be added in the DXCC countries list by the American Radio Relay League

Catalonia must be added in the DXCC countries list by the American Radio Relay League

12 de junio de 2017
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American Radio Relay League (ARRL) (The national association for Amateur Radio)
Firmas: 2209Próximo objetivo: 2500
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Por qué es importante esta petición

Iniciada por Jordi Dilmer Vecina

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) refuses to add Catalonia to the list of countries of the DXCC diploma, although it meets all the requirements according to its bases and with the aggravating factor that ignores more than two thousand radio amateurs who have signed up to the platform in favor of the recognition of Catalonia as an entity/country of the aforementioned DXCC diploma.

All these territories are DXCC* countries/entities* recognized by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), but are not official states:

Scotland (UK) is a DXCC country but is not an official state.
Balearic Islands (Spain) is a DXCC country but is not an official state.
Canary Islands (Spain) is a DXCC country but is not an official state.
England (UK) is a DXCC country but is not an official state.
Wales (UK) is a DXCC country but is not an official state.
Man (UK) is a DXCC country but is not an official state.
Northern Ireland (UK) is a DXCC country but is not an official state.
Kaliningrad is a province of Russia and a DXCC country but is not an official state.
Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a NGO with a call sign not authorized by the ITU and is a DXCC country.
Many other territories of the world are included in the DXCC countries list, but are not official states.

And Catalonia? Why Catalonia is not a DXCC country? Therefore, if all these territories are DXCC countries, why not Catalonia? Seeing these examples, Catalonia (with own prefixes, EA3, EB3, EC3, ED3, EE3, EF3, EG3, EH3, AM3, AN3 & AO3) has the perfect conditions to become a DXCC country today.

The American Radio Relay League despises thousands of catalan radio amateurs who have signed the petition to include Catalonia in the DXCC countries list. The ARRL must recognize Catalonia as a DXCC country. It is inadmissible that it does not respond to the request of thousands of catalan radio amateurs.

Dear President of the ARRL, Catalonia must be added in the DXCC countries list. Today? Why not? Where is the problem? Sign the petition: CHANGE.ORG

*Entity is a listing on the DXCC List. A counter for DXCC awards, previously denoted as a DXCC Country by the American Radio Relay League and the DX Century Club.

*DXCC is Amateur Radio’s premier award that radio amateurs can earn by confirming on the air contacts with 100 countries.


Demanem que Catalunya sigui inclosa a la llista de països/entitats del diploma DXCC de l'ARRL.

Què és una entitat DXCC? L’objectiu principal dels radioaficionats és, entre d’altres, contactar amb tots els països del món mitjançant la ràdio, establir una competició entre tots, obtenir diplomes, trofeus i figurar en un rànquing mundial dels països contactats.

Quan parlem de països, no ens referim a la llista dels 193 estats membres de l’ONU, sinó a una llista creada pels radioaficionats i que no coincideix amb els estats oficials. Aquests “ràdio-països” es denominen “entitats DXCC”.

Les “entitats DXCC” formen part d’una llista elaborada pel DX Century Club i que pertany a l’American Radio Relay League (ARRL). L’ARRL és l’associació de radioaficionats nacional dels Estats Units i és qui ha redactat les bases d’aquest diploma. És evident que, qualsevol associació de qualsevol tipus, pot crear les bases d’un concurs, premi, diploma, etc. i per tant, la gestió i els criteris per crear unes normes són exclusivament de l’associació que les ha redactat.

En el cas que ens ocupa, l’ARRL va decidir en el seu moment, l’any 1945, crear una llista de països més àmplia per fer la competició més atractiva i interessant. És per aquest motiu que els radioaficionats, es regeixen per una llista de 349 països (entitats DXCC) i no els 193 estats oficials.

Els criteris de l’ARRL per admetre un país a la llista DXCC són geogràfics, però també polítics i ideològics, malgrat que molts radioaficionats sempre afirmen que aquest col·lectiu no entra mai en qüestions polítiques argumentant que no és legal, cosa que és totalment falsa. El reglament de radioaficionats no prohibeix en cap cas opinar i parlar de política a través de la ràdio.

En general, les illes sempre són països diferenciats encara que pertanyin al mateix estat. Un exemple el tenim aquí, les Illes Balears, Canàries, Ceuta i Melilla (encara que no sigui illa) són tres països diferents i tots pertanyen a l’estat espanyol.

Escòcia, Anglaterra, Gal·les, Man, Irlanda del Nord i Jersey es comptabilitzen com a sis països diferents encara que tots pertanyen al Regne Unit.

Per tant, si Escòcia és una “entitat DXCC”, perquè no ho és Catalunya?
Quan Catalunya sigui un estat independent, automàticament esdevindrà una nova “entitat DXCC”. Però, veient l’exemple d’Escòcia, Catalunya reuneix les condicions perfectes, segons les bases de l’ARRL, per ser una “entitat DXCC” avui mateix.

Cal seguir treballant per sol·licitar a l’ARRL per què que inclogui Catalunya a la llista de països DXCC.


Please, American Radio Relay League (ARRL), add Catalonia in the DXCC countries/entities list.

What is a DXCC entity? The main purpose of amateur radio is, among others, to contact every country in the world through the radio, establishing a competition among all, get diplomas, trophies and included in a global ranking of worked countries.

When we talk about countries, we do not mean the list of the 193 United Nations member states, is a list created by amateur matches and no official statements. These “radio-countries” are called “DXCC entities.”

The DXCC entities are part of a list drawn up by the DX Century Club and belongs to the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) . The ARRL is the national association for amateur radio in the United States and is the one who drafted the specifications of this diploma.

In the present case, the ARRL decided at the time, in 1945, to create a broader list of countries to make the competition more attractive and interesting. It is for this reason that amateur radio is governed by a list of 349 countries (DXCC entities) and not the 193 official states.

The criteria for admitting a country ARRL’s DXCC list are geographical but also political and ideological, although many amateurs always say that this group does not enter into political issues, arguing that it is not legal, which is totally false.

In general, the islands are always different countries but belonging to the same state. An example: Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla and Canary Islands are three different countries but all belong to Spain.

Scotland, England, Wales, Man, Northern Ireland and Jersey are six different countries but all belong to the United Kingdom.

Therefore, if Scotland is a DXCC entity, why not Catalonia? Seeing the example of Scotland, Catalonia has the perfect conditions, according to the rules of the ARRL to be a DXCC entity today. We must continue demanding to the ARRL, including Catalonia in the DXCC countries/entities list.

The American Radio Relay League must recognize Catalonia as a DXCC entity. Catalonia is a nation of Europe. Learn more about Catalonia on this video.

The ARRL can not ignore all the radio amateurs who have signed this petition and must attend to our request. The American Radio Relay League must add Catalonia to the DXCC countries/entities list and can not be denied.

Please, American Radio Relay League (ARRL), add Catalonia in the DXCC countries/entities list today.

Jordi Dilmer Vecina (EA3GOO) started this petition to American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national association for Amateur Radio.

Please, send this petition to:

ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA
Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259
Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289


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Firmas: 2209Próximo objetivo: 2500
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Destinatarios de la petición

  • American Radio Relay League (ARRL)The national association for Amateur Radio