Creative Assembly Should Continue Some Limited Patch Support for Total War: Three Kingdoms

Creative Assembly Should Continue Some Limited Patch Support for Total War: Three Kingdoms

May 28, 2021
Petition to
CEO of SEGA. Haruki Satomi and
Signatures: 1,090Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters

On May 27th, 2021 Creative Assembly announced in a very vague video the future of Total War: Three Kingdoms. After receiving official clarification, we learned that indeed CA intends to, and has started pre-production on, an entirely different Three Kingdoms game set separately from the existing one. While this would normally be happy and not at all troubling news, CA announced in addition they would be halting any future DLC or chapter packs for the existing Total War: Three Kingdoms game and to make matters worse, also ending all future patch support for the game after the release of the latest patch 1.7.1. (released May 27th, 2021). While it is very disappointing to not be receiving any future DLC/expansions such as the much hyped Northern Nomads what is truly unacceptable are the outstanding bugs that the "farewell" patch of 1.7.1  failed to address. That is why we as a player community would ask that the total termination of patch support be slowed and a proper farewell patch contained of attainable requests gathered via the official community feedback channels (i.e. Discord, Reddit, forums) be added to the game.

Three Kingdoms broke franchise sale records. It attracted a whole new group of fans to the genre and company. For such a banger of a game to end on such a whimper is truly sad. Instead of we fans wallowing in our grief; lets try and use our voice as a community to try and get CA to  reconsider and give this outstanding title a send off worthy of an Emperor. 

While the chances of our success are basically zero, we lose nothing by trying and at the very least will let CA know that we as paying customers really didn't appreciate how this news was given. I'd also hope any fans of other Total Wars consider signing as well. A news release of this style also does not bode well for fans of any other Total War titles. Whose to say your title won't receive the axe in such a sudden manner?

I hope you consider signing. Thank you for your time.

Simplified Chinese (Please excuse any errors):

2021年5月27日,CA Creative Assembly社上传了一个叫“三国全面战争的未来”的视频正式宣布要停更“三国全面战争”这游戏,官方也同时确认CA已经在开始制作一款与现有“三国全面战争”完全不同的“新”《三国》游戏。CA还宣布他们将会停止开发现有“三国全面战争”所有官方DLC与资料片,连补丁都不更新了让这游戏就停在1.7.1(2021年5月27日发布),连之前在2020年7月的官方博客本来要计划出的北方资料片都给取消了,非常令人失望,而且最无法接受的是1.7.1的“告别”补丁都没修改游戏中的大部分BUG与历史错误。我希望我们作为一个玩家社区能够至少叫CA做一个真正的“告别”补丁包。我希望能通过官方社区反馈渠道(即Discord、Reddit、CA官方论坛、B站和贴吧)收集更多的签名。

Korean (Please excuse any errors)

2021 년 5 월 27 일 Creative Assembly는 Total War : Three Kingdoms의 미래를 매우 모호한 비디오로 발표했습니다. 공식적인 설명을받은 후, 우리는 실제로 CA가 기존 게임과는 완전히 다른 삼국지 게임 세트를 의도하고 사전 제작을 시작했음을 알게되었습니다. 이것은 일반적으로 행복하고 전혀 문제가되지는 않지만, CA는 또한 기존 Total War : Three Kingdoms 게임에 대한 향후 DLC 또는 챕터 팩을 중단하고 상황을 악화시킬 것이며 향후 모든 패치 지원을 종료 할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 최신 패치 1.7.1 출시 후 게임. (2021 년 5 월 27 일 출시). 많은 과장된 Northern Nomads와 같은 미래의 DLC / 확장을받지 못한 것은 매우 실망 스럽지만, 진정으로 받아 들일 수없는 것은 1.7.1의 "작별"패치가 해결하지 못한 뛰어난 버그입니다. 그렇기 때문에 플레이어 커뮤니티는 패치 지원의 전체 종료를 늦추고 공식 커뮤니티 피드백 채널 (예 : Discord, Reddit, CA 포럼, Bilibili 및 Tieba )가 게임에 추가됩니다.

삼국지가 프랜차이즈 판매 기록을 깼습니다. 그것은 장르와 회사에 완전히 새로운 팬 그룹을 끌어 들였습니다. 그런 게임의 뱅어가 그런 윙윙 거리는 소리로 끝나는 것은 정말 슬프다. 슬픔에 잠기지 않고 우리의 목소리를 커뮤니티로 사용하여 CA가 재검토하고이 뛰어난 타이틀을 황제에 걸맞게 보낼 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.

우리의 성공 가능성은 기본적으로 제로이지만 시도해도 잃는 것은 없으며 최소한 유료 고객으로서 우리가이 뉴스가 제공되는 방식에 대해 감사하지 않았다는 사실을 CA에 알릴 것입니다. 다른 Total Wars의 팬들도 서명을 고려하기를 바랍니다. 이 스타일의 출시는 다른 Total War 타이틀의 팬에게도 좋은 징조가 아닙니다. 누가 그렇게 갑작스럽게 도끼를받지 못하겠습니까?

서명을 고려하시기 바랍니다. 시간 내 주셔서 감사합니다.

Thai (Please excuse any errors):

เมื่อวันที่ 27 พฤษภาคม 2021 Creative Assembly ได้ประกาศในวิดีโอที่คลุมเครือมากเกี่ยวกับอนาคตของ Total War: Three Kingdoms หลังจากได้รับการชี้แจงอย่างเป็นทางการ เราได้เรียนรู้ว่าแท้จริงแล้ว CA ตั้งใจและเริ่มการผลิตล่วงหน้าในชุดเกม Three Kingdoms ที่แตกต่างไปจากเดิมอย่างสิ้นเชิงโดยแยกจากชุดที่มีอยู่ แม้ว่าตามปกติจะเป็นเรื่องที่น่ายินดีและไม่ใช่ข่าวที่น่าหนักใจแต่อย่างใด CA ได้ประกาศเพิ่มเติมว่าจะหยุด DLC หรือแพ็คบทใดๆ ในอนาคตสำหรับเกม Total War: Three Kingdoms ที่มีอยู่ และเพื่อทำให้เรื่องแย่ลง รวมถึงยุติการสนับสนุนแพตช์ในอนาคตทั้งหมดสำหรับ เกมหลังจากปล่อยแพตช์ล่าสุด 1.7.1 (เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 พฤษภาคม 2021) แม้ว่าจะเป็นเรื่องน่าผิดหวังมากที่ไม่ได้รับ DLC/ส่วนขยายใดๆ ในอนาคต เช่น Northern Nomads ที่เกินจริง แต่สิ่งที่ยอมรับไม่ได้อย่างแท้จริงคือข้อบกพร่องที่โดดเด่นซึ่งแพตช์ "อำลา" ของ 1.7.1 ไม่สามารถแก้ไขได้ นั่นคือเหตุผลที่เราในฐานะชุมชนผู้เล่นขอให้การยุติการสนับสนุนแพตช์ทั้งหมดช้าลงและแพตช์อำลาที่เหมาะสมประกอบด้วยคำขอที่เข้าถึงได้จำนวนมากที่รวบรวมผ่านช่องทางการตอบรับของชุมชนอย่างเป็นทางการ (เช่น Discord, Reddit, ฟอรัม CA, Bilibili และ Tieba ) ถูกเพิ่มเข้าไปในเกม

สามก๊กทำลายสถิติการขายแฟรนไชส์ มันดึงดูดแฟน ๆ กลุ่มใหม่มาสู่แนวเพลงและบริษัท การที่เกมจบลงด้วยเสียงครวญครางนั้นช่างน่าเศร้าจริงๆ แทนที่จะหมกมุ่นอยู่กับความเศร้าโศก ให้ลองใช้เสียงของเราในฐานะชุมชนเพื่อพยายามให้ CA พิจารณาอีกครั้งและมอบตำแหน่งที่โดดเด่นนี้ให้คุ้มค่ากับจักรพรรดิ

ในขณะที่โอกาสของความสำเร็จของเรานั้นเป็นศูนย์โดยพื้นฐานแล้ว เราไม่สูญเสียอะไรเลยจากการพยายาม และอย่างน้อยที่สุดก็จะทำให้ CA รู้ว่าเราในฐานะลูกค้าที่จ่ายเงิน ไม่ได้ซาบซึ้งจริงๆ กับการให้ข่าวนี้ ฉันหวังว่าแฟน ๆ ของ Total Wars อื่น ๆ จะพิจารณาการลงนามเช่นกัน การเปิดตัวสไตล์นี้ไม่ได้เป็นผลดีกับแฟนเกม Total War อื่นๆ ใครจะบอกว่าตำแหน่งของคุณจะไม่ได้รับขวานในลักษณะที่กะทันหันเช่นนี้?

ฉันหวังว่าคุณจะพิจารณาลงนาม ขอขอบคุณสำหรับเวลาของคุณ.

Vietnamese (Please excuse any errors)

Vào ngày 27 tháng 5 năm 2021, Creative Assembly đã công bố trong một video rất mơ hồ về tương lai của Total War: Three Kingdoms. Sau khi nhận được sự làm rõ chính thức, chúng tôi được biết rằng thực sự CA có ý định và đã bắt đầu tiền sản xuất một trò chơi Tam Quốc hoàn toàn khác được đặt tách biệt với trò chơi hiện có. Mặc dù điều này bình thường sẽ rất vui và không có chút gì đáng lo ngại, nhưng CA cũng thông báo rằng họ sẽ tạm dừng bất kỳ gói DLC hoặc chương nào trong tương lai cho trò chơi Total War: Three Kingdoms hiện có và để làm cho vấn đề trở nên tồi tệ hơn, đồng thời chấm dứt tất cả hỗ trợ bản vá trong tương lai cho trò chơi sau khi phát hành bản vá mới nhất 1.7.1. (phát hành ngày 27 tháng 5 năm 2021). Mặc dù rất đáng thất vọng khi không nhận được bất kỳ DLC / bản mở rộng nào trong tương lai như Northern Nomads được thổi phồng quá nhiều nhưng thực sự không thể chấp nhận được là những lỗi nổi bật mà bản vá "tạm biệt" 1.7.1 không giải quyết được. Đó là lý do tại sao chúng tôi với tư cách là một cộng đồng người chơi sẽ yêu cầu chậm lại việc chấm dứt toàn bộ hỗ trợ bản vá và một bản vá chia tay thích hợp bao gồm các yêu cầu có thể đạt được được thu thập thông qua các kênh phản hồi chính thức của cộng đồng (tức là Discord, Reddit, diễn đàn) được thêm vào trò chơi.

Three Kingdoms đã phá kỷ lục bán nhượng quyền thương mại. Nó đã thu hút một nhóm người hâm mộ hoàn toàn mới đến với thể loại và công ty. Để một trận đấu kết thúc trong tiếng rên rỉ như vậy thực sự là một điều đáng buồn. Thay vì đắm chìm trong đau buồn; chúng ta hãy thử và sử dụng tiếng nói của chúng tôi với tư cách là một cộng đồng để cố gắng và yêu cầu CA xem xét lại và trao cho danh hiệu xuất sắc này một sự xứng đáng của một Hoàng đế.

Mặc dù cơ hội thành công của chúng tôi về cơ bản là 0, nhưng chúng tôi không mất gì nếu cố gắng và ít nhất sẽ cho CA biết rằng chúng tôi với tư cách là khách hàng trả tiền thực sự không đánh giá cao cách tin tức này được đưa ra. Tôi cũng hy vọng bất kỳ người hâm mộ nào của Total Wars khác cũng cân nhắc việc ký hợp đồng. Việc phát hành theo phong cách này cũng không mang lại điềm báo tốt cho người hâm mộ của bất kỳ tựa game Total War nào khác. Ai nói rằng danh hiệu của bạn sẽ không nhận được búa rìu một cách đột ngột như vậy?

Tôi hy vọng bạn xem xét việc ký kết. Cảm ơn bạn đã dành thời gian.

French (Please excuse any errors)

Le 27 mai 2021, Creative Assembly a annoncé dans une vidéo très vague le futur de Total War: Three Kingdoms. Après avoir reçu une confirmation officielle, nous avons appris que CA a commencer un jeu entièrement différent dans l'univers de Three Kingdoms, ce jeu étant entièrement séparé du premier. Cette nouvelle aura été plutôt bonne si CA n'avez pas annoncé qu'aucun nouveau DLC sortira pour Total War: Three Kingdoms. Pour enfoncer le couteau dans la plaie, suite au Patch 1.7.1 Même si les chances de succès sont minces, nous avons rien a perde de plus avec cette pétition et nous devons montrer à CA, que nous avons détester cette nouvelle ainsi que toute la communication autour d'elle. Aucun Patch ne sera fait pour résoudre les nombreux bugs restants. Cette nouvelle étant totalement inacceptable avec le nombre colossal de bug restant et en plus, l'expansion nordique qui nous a été vendue depuis des mois ne sortira jamais... C'est pourquoi, en tant que joueur, je demande qu'un vrai patch contenant les demande de la communauté soit fait. Ce patch pourrait être fait via les retours de la communauté (i.e. Discord,Reddit, forum). Three Kingdoms a explosé les nombres de copies vendu. Ce jeu a attiré de nouveaux fans pour la période et a la franchise des Total War. Donner une si triste fin pour un si grand jeu est vraiment dommage. Aux lieus de se morfondre, prenons la parole et asseyons de faire Changer d'avis CA et faire de ce jeu un titre digne d'un Empereur. Même si les chances de succès sont minces, nous avons rien a perde de plus avec cette pétition et nous devons montrer à CA, que nous avons détester cette nouvelle ainsi que toute la communication autour d'elle. J'espère que les autres joueurs de TW se trouvent concerner par cette désastreuse nouvelle. S'ils ont pu faire ça a leur plus grand titre, que les empêche de faire de même avec Warhammer ? J'espère que vous signerez cette pétition, merci de votre temps.



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Signatures: 1,090Next Goal: 1,500
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Decision Makers

  • Haruki SatomiCEO of SEGA.
  • Tim HeatonChief Studio Officer at SEGA
  • Gareth EdmondsonStudio Director at Creative Assembly
  • Tom PhillipsLead Player Experience Manager at Creative Assembly