YouTube, Instagram, Facebook & Quikr, don't break Indian laws on online pet sales

YouTube, Instagram, Facebook & Quikr, don't break Indian laws on online pet sales
Why this petition matters

Indian laws are quite clear on dog breeding and marketing as well as pet shop ( including online) , under Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act or PCA laws ( Dog Breeding and Marketing Rules 2017 and Pet Shop Rules 2018) . However THESE SITES STILL ALLOW SALES! Despite stated community standards or policy on selling animals online on many channels, there is been no demonstrated effort to abide by the Indian laws by banning such posts . In fact Facebook had enunciated a very strong global policy on animal sale, but despite that, seems very casual on actual implementation in India groups . Despite our many attempts during the #NoMoreBagheeras #BanOnlinePetSales campaign to report posts and groups called 'dogs for sale' , 'puppies for sale' et al , the feedback is that it ‘does not break community standards’ and the illegal group remains . This is frustrating , shocking and also not respectful in breaking Indian laws. From an integrity and ethics perspective too, these companies are breaking own company rules and country laws . Whither corporate governance?!
The tremendous expansion of dog posts under the #ForSale hashtag on Instagram has resulted in a high degree of unauthorized illegal sales and breakage of Rules on this subject , despite explicit company rules . On YouTube they have been a large number of videos that list young pups for sale and several listings of violent dogfighting rings as well. Both these sites have vague policies on sale of endangered animals , but no clarity on the Indian laws .
All these links and screenshots are available for view and despite many attempts to write to the authorities at these organizations, and request intervention to ensure Indian Rules abided, nothing has been done so far. We request evidence of clear concerted action and definitive outcomes so that these kinds of illegal posts and groups are banned and disallowed on line. The sole responsibility when animals are sold online is with the owner of the site that aggravates the rules and therefore the concerned companies must accept responsibility. We would request both as a law abiding company as well as for the helpless animals sale , that this be given the highest priority and a clear response and action plan to ban sale of animals online communicated to the citizens and animal lovers of India.
In addition, many groups like Quikr and others are circumventing the dog breeding and sale rules by insidiously routing these sales as adoptions & passively leaving the posts responsibility on the customer unless reported. If many are reported, they block that mobile or email from further reporting. We have ample proof that almost all the adoption activities are for sale, and it is merely an attempt to absolve the site from responsibility of being a sales aggregator of animals while apparently enabling compassionate adoptions. This shameless subterfuge must cease immediately , government must take action. and helpless animals that are being sold through the back door of adoption must be actioned asap .
PETA Chief says 'By relocating animal ads by breeders and other sellers to the misnamed “Pet Adoption” category, Quikr has only reinforced that animal welfare is not their priority and that they appear to think consumers are fools. Consumers expect companies today to be clear and ethical, and Quikr is not meeting these expectations. Many sellers are letting potential buyers know the price of animals immediately upon contact, while a number of listings have clearly mentioned that the animals are, indeed, for sale. In any case, giving animals away to anyone who wants them – without reasonable suitability checks – would not be considered adoption. There are also ads in which breeders boast that they can provide virtually any breed of dog. It is absurd to try to pass off such blatantly commercial practices as adoption.
Companies such as OLX and Quikr, which currently promotes sale of live animals on their e-commerce platform appears to be in violation of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011, issued by the central government under the Information Technology Act, 2000. These guidelines mandate that as intermediaries, these online platforms must observe due diligence while discharging their duties in order to ensure that users of their website do not host, display, or publish any information that violates any law in force, such as the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Dog Breeding and Marketing) Rules, 2017 and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Shop) Rules, 2018.'
Details are available on request- screenshots and links have been extensively handled and can be provided as required.
We request all these companies as well as our government to take steps to prevent cruelty and ensure our animals laws are implemented and respected .
Useful Links
- Illegal Dog Sales flourish online
- #NoMoreBagheeras - a movement to fight online dog sales menace
Decision Makers
- Pranay Chulet