Build a Protected Bike Lane on Lido Blvd
Build a Protected Bike Lane on Lido Blvd
Why this petition matters
On June 23rd, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced $5 million in funding to enhance safety for the Lido Boulevard corridor. Currently, a project to improve Lido Boulevard is in the early planning stages.
We need to let our voices be heard!
The Nassau County Planning Department must understand that our barrier island is a unique and active biking community. We are in desperate need for a bike path that connects Lido Beach to Point lookout. As it stands right now, there is no safe way to bike along Lido Boulevard. The sidewalk is too narrow, damaged, and unfair to people who are using it to walk. There is also little separation between speeding traffic and pedestrians.
A dedicated bike path would make it possible to... visit friends in Point Lookout without needing mom to drive, bike to school safely and smoothly, or grab a treat at Marvel without needing to find a parking spot!
The Nassau County Planning Department has no plans to build a bike lane along Lido Boulevard.
By signing this petition, you are making it clear to the Nassau County Planning Department that they must accommodate our community's unique culture by building life saving infrastructure that will protect our children and riders of all abilities.
For more information, visit our website (click here)