Rename Valentine's Day to Kunwara Diwas - An Initiative by Eloelo for the youth of Bharat

Rename Valentine's Day to Kunwara Diwas - An Initiative by Eloelo for the youth of Bharat

6 February 2024
This petition made change with 4,484 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Saurabh Pandey

By signing this petition, you're not just endorsing renaming of a day; you're joining a movement.

A movement of people who believe that being Kunwara is an emotion. Who believe that being Kunwara is not a shortcoming, unlike a lot of landlords who refuse renting out their house to single men, or various party places where "stag entry" is almost never allowed. 

Infact, being Kunwara can be a superpower. It means that you do things on your own terms, eat what you want, sleep when you want, and share stuff when you want.

So let's cancel Valentine's Day and make 'Kunwara Diwas' the hottest thing since garam garam aloo ke pakode on a cold rainy day. (which, let's be real, is also better when you don't have to share).


This petition made change with 4,484 supporters!

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