Please Fix Friday The 13th The Game Trophies And Achievements Bugs

Please Fix Friday The 13th The Game Trophies And Achievements Bugs

July 12, 2023
Signatures: 1,209Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by John Pal

As everyone already knows Friday the 13th the game is shutting down December 2024 which is heartbreaking on its own for the Friday the 13th community however there is more to this heartbreak on July 6th 2023 Friday the 13th the game tweeted and announced an update that will change the game forever and you will find the changes listed here on this twitter post this update was a heartbreaking one for myself and the Friday the 13th gaming community because it wasn’t a update to fix bugs or exploits but an update that maxed out all players in game perks badges and levels which took away our reward and right to earn those rewards that the game has to offer us for completing matches. we could have obtained those ourselves while we enjoy playing this game until the end of 2024 when the game will sadly come to an end. by creating this update not only did they take away our ingame rewards for completing matches but they took away our satisfaction of being rewarded for playing the game not only did this update take away that but it also made trophy’s and achievements including the platinum trophy unobtainable to all players. this update has bugged all trophies and achievements that requires you to play more than one match trophies and achievements that were so hard and took so much time to complete trophy’s that we have worked on for years and we spent  1000s of hours to try to obtain such as head counselor and the final chapter which requires you to play 1000 matches as counselor and 1000 matches as Jason not to mention the trophy gotta kill em all! which requires you to kill 1313 coucelors as jason! Which are extremely time consuming and hard to do!  this is one of the reasons why this is update is heartbreaking because these trophies and achievements took the gaming community years to accomplish and all of us of us if not most of us are still working on them as we speak and this update has destroyed all of our hard work and the thousands of hours trying to get these achievements and trophies done in an instant. I and hundreds of others in the Friday the 13th community are in tears and we are so hurt that all of our hard work passion and dedication was stripped from us during this update! I would like to petition to have all of these update’s removed to it’s previous update or have the game updated again to where the trophies are not glitched anymore and we can continue to grind the trophies until the final chapter of the game is finished in 2024. so I encourage you all to sign this petition! please my friends, and family, ladies and gentlemen, nonbinary pals please help save all of our hard work, please help us save the bonds and connections we have made with amazing  friends we have met playing this game Let's work together by signing this petition and maybe when we have enough signatures maybe the developers will see how much we are hurt and find it in their hearts to fix what was accidentally stolen from us! the memories of every match and friend we made will be sealed within our trophies and when we go back and look at the trophies we have accomplished we will remember all the good times and memories we have har with this game! I hope the developers will help heal our broken hearts and mend our pain by updating the game one last time and make this final chapter for Friday the 13th the game an unforgettable memory that will last forever.

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Signatures: 1,209Next Goal: 1,500
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