中絶における女性の負担を減らしてください! ~Reduce the burden on women regarding abortion! ~

中絶における女性の負担を減らしてください! ~Reduce the burden on women regarding abortion! ~



~Scroll down for English translation~








日本では中絶が犯罪であることを知っていますか? 日本では、一見、中絶は自由に行えるように思えますが、女性が薬を服用して自分の妊娠を自分で終わらせることは、刑法堕胎罪(212条)にあたる犯罪です。しかし、世界の多くの国々は、現在、堕胎罪を廃止する方向に動いています。たとえば、カトリック信者の多いアイルランドでさえ、2018年に国民投票で堕胎罪はなくなりました。



WHOは、搔爬は吸引よりも女性にとって痛みを伴う外科的中絶方法であると指摘しており、2012年のガイドライン『安全な中絶 第2版』では、旧態依然たる搔爬は――もし今も使われているようなら――安全な中絶方法である中絶薬か吸引法に置き換えるよう指導しています。9年後の2021年7月、厚生労働省は産婦人科医の団体に対して吸引について会員に周知するよう求めましたが、吸引に置き換えたかどうかの確認はしていません。





協力:RHRリテラシー研究所 塚原久美 林めぐみ 伏見麻菜美



Reduce burdens imposed on women to get abortion!!

One out of every four women in the world has experienced an unwanted pregnancy. In other countries, abortion is considered a natural medical treatment that protects women's mind and bodies.

In Japan, the application for the approval of abortion pills is currently underway. In order to respect the health and rights of all women living in Japan, we demand the following 5 points.

1. Promptly approve the abortion pills as an option for women who have an unwanted pregnancy.

2. Provide abortion pills at a reasonable price and make them available to all who need them regardless of their financial situation.

3. Descriminalize abortion under the Penal Code and abolish the spousal consent requirement under the Maternal Body Protection Law as both misogynistic and patriarchal laws unfairly hurt women and prevent them from accessing abortions.

4. Lift the ban on online medical treatment and home administration of the abortion pills in order to secure the access to abortion for everyone regardless of where she lives and in order to protect her privacy.

5. Increase the number of occupations that can handle the abortion pills in order to improve access and lower the price of abortion.

The UN Human Rights Covenant clearly stipulates access to information and means of safe abortion for all who need one as the social right and the ability to choose abortion for themselves as the liberty right.

In approximately 30 countries including the UK, France, and New Zealand the abortion pills are all covered by public insurance or other kinds of subsidies. Online prescribing has been implemented in Australia, the UK, France, and other countries as well. The International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology has decided to encourage online prescription and home use of abortion pills during the pandemic in March 2020. In March 2021, they added, "After 1 year of the operation, the safety and effectiveness of the system has been confirmed. This method should be permanent so that all women can have a safe abortion in privacy.''

As you can see, abortion in Japan imposes heavy physical burdens on women compared to other countries. In addition, Japan has stigmatized abortion by suppressing women from speaking out for abortion. Are you aware that abortion is still criminalized in Japan? Although abortion seems to be freely available in Japan, The Penal Code (Article 212) criminalizes a woman ending her own pregnancy by taking drugs.

However, many countries around the world are now trying to decriminalize abortion. Even countries like Ireland, a predominantly Catholic country has eliminated the criminalization of abortion in a referendum in 2018.

In addition, the Maternal Body Protection Law which allows women to seek legal abortion under exceptional circumstances gives husbands the right to make decisions regarding their wives' bodies. Even if the wife does not want to continue her pregnancy, her husband can force her to do so.

Currently, in other countries, forcing a woman to continue an unwanted pregnancy is considered torture and a violation of human rights. Only 11 countries require spousal consent for abortion while the other 192 countries don't.

The Eugenic Protection Law enacted in 1948 stipulated that only "designated physicians" that had been trained in obstetrics and gynecology should be allowed to perform Dilatation and Curettage procedure, a surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated so that the uterine lining can be scraped with a spoon-shaped instrument called curette to remove abnormal tissues as the medical field was not as advanced and developed as it is now.

As a result, suction abortion which is actually considered safe enough to be performed by midwives has not been widely performed in Japan.

The WHO points out that D&C cause more pain than aspiration and made it clear that the old-fashioned perforation is not a safe way to end a pregnancy and should be switched to safer methods in their 2012 guidelines, "Safe Abortion, Second Edition."

9 years later, in July 2021, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) finally asked the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to inform its members about the aspiration. However, whether the method had been properly switched or not is still unclear. 

Thanks to women's movements since 1960s, abortion has been legalized and the suction method was introduced around 1970.

In the 1980s, the abortion pills were developed and by the beginning of the 21st century, they had been legalized and available in most of the developed countries.

However, for a long time, Japan did not opt for these safer methods and continued to use the old-fashioned method of curettage, which has caused heavy physical and emotional burdens on women.

The punishingly high cost of abortion in Japan is also a hardship for women. In a survey conducted in 2010, some medical institutions said that the price of a mid-term abortion at their clinic was up to 600,000 JPY (about 5,250 USD). The number of women cannot have abortion due to the lack of money and are accused of having isolated births in the restroom, which deeply connects to the social structure of Japan that disregards women.

According to some survey, 80 countries around the world provide free abortion, the three quarters of those have full or partial insurance coverage for abortion costs.

The abortion pills are chosen as essential medications by WHO and proven as only because safe and effective. The pills are also quite inexpensive, whose average price is 730 JPY (about 6.5 USD) worldwide.

However, some doctors in Japan have suggested that prescribing the abortion pills should be as expensive as the conventional abortion procedure (around 100,000 yen).

The women with financial difficulties would continue to have the same difficulties affording abortion if the price was set like that.

We need your support in order to make our country a place where all women can live safely and peacefully with fundamental human rights to control their lives, bodies and destinies without physical and mental burdens.

Worked with Kumi Tsukahara, Megumi Hayashi, and Manami Fushimi from the RHR Literacy Laboratory.


