Please, don't change McCree's name

Please, don't change McCree's name

28 августа 2021 г.
Подписей: 3Следующая цель: 5

Почему эта петиция важна

Автор: Mikhail Koshelev

Recently blizzard have stated that they are planing to change the name of a game character (McCree) due to him having a name of one of blizzard employees who've recently been found involved is some public scandal.

We found it irresponsible of blizzard - making game characters serve their local agenda and not respecting the universe they've created for their fans. Overwatch became popular throughout the world and the name Jesse McCree means something for millions of players - including me, and we don't want it changed. It's not just yours anymore, it's a cultural heritage belonging to all the fans. You can't just take it back from us, because some employee did not behave the way you like.

We are asking you to leave the character intact - not because we sympathize to your employee, but because scince being named, McCree became his own personality for millions of us, and no IRL person with the same name could never make a character worse.

Please, respect your community and the universe you've created, don't make them serve your momentary wishes.

Подписей: 3Следующая цель: 5
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