



署名の発信者 菅原 真樹


今津浜は、昔は「ててかむ鰯」地元住民が口々に言う程の、漁業が盛んで特に鰯が豊富に採れました。 には浜で遊びだ帰りに、今津浜の漁師さんから両手一杯の生きた鰯をもらったそうです。しかしながら、この美しい浜は、近くに工場が誘致され、その廃水により油まみれの真っ黒な海となり、異臭を発した死の海に変わりました。それにより、漁も人が触れ合うことも出来なくなってしまいました。その後、浜に大量のテトラポットが入れられ、生き物にとっては、更に大変な環境変化を強いられることになり、この浜は大変な幾度となく地獄を味ってきました。その後、行政は生態系回復のためにこの工事を行った訳では無かったのですが、テトラを撤去し砂を入れる工事を行いました。これは、逆に環境悪化の一途を進む浜の自然環境にとっては、砂が入ったことで、浜の浄化や生態系回復となる要因をつくりました。


































兵庫県発行 県民だよりHYOGO





西宮市会議員 菅野雅一議員発行




















今津灯台をWashington 州のスポーケンに愛する人々がいる!!













発信者 Maki Sugahara  今津浜埋め立てについての記事リンク






For World 

Nishinomiya Imazu beach is now in a desperate situation where it will disappear due to reclamation work. If the signatures are collected, the last construction will be temporarily stopped, and if the plan and design are reviewed, a chance will open to protect life on the beach.

Please sign up and support  share joint now !!Save for Imazu Beach!!

Reason for leaving Imazu Beach 1

In the past, Imazuhama had a thriving fishing industry, and was particularly rich in sardines, so much so that the local residents often referred to it as "tetekamu sardines." On the way home from playing on the beach, a fisherman from Imazu Beach gave me a handful of live sardines. However, this beautiful beach has been transformed into a sea of ​​death with a foul odor and a black, oily sea due to the wastewater from a factory that was built nearby. As a result, fishing and human interaction are no longer possible. After that, a large number of tetrapods were put on the beach, forcing living creatures to undergo even more severe environmental changes, and this beach experienced hell many times. After that, the government did not carry out this construction to restore the ecosystem, but carried out construction to remove the tetras and put in sand. Conversely, for the natural environment of the beach, which has been steadily deteriorating, the inclusion of sand has created a factor for cleaning the beach and restoring the ecosystem.
Due to the history of pollution and destruction of the environment many times due to human convenience, we have decided to protect Imazuhama, a precious environment where nature is about to return, from tsunamis and storm surges. We are promoting this project to protect human lives in the future and leave the beach where we can watch and learn about the ecosystem, instead of completely destroying it so that citizens will never be able to touch the sea again.

Reason to leave Imazu Beach 2

The beach used to be a place of relaxation for children and local citizens.
(Trying to carry out the construction without permeating the explanation to the local area)
The caller, Maki Sugawara, has been familiar with Imazuhama since he was a child. And he has been picking up garbage since he was in the fifth grade of elementary school, and now he has a job to protect the sea. This beach is the origin of learning and is like a treasure. However, eight years ago, Hyogo Prefecture was planning to completely reclaim this beach. It was mid-August 2020 when I found out. As you can see, there are many locals who do not know about the disappearance of the beach.

Reason 3 for leaving Imazu Beach

Expert survey results have revealed that many sea creatures and beach plants still exist today.

Also for this reason
We want to preserve Imazuhama for the future! !

Learn more. Imazuhama is now in a predicament of extinction.
Imazuhama is a sea that has been unbelievably miraculous until now.
It has miraculously revived from the past two large-scale human destructions, and even today, the power of the natural world dwells in the ecosystem, and the sea shines vividly.
However, the construction of this time completely destroyed the environment, and the miraculous revival of the ecosystem will cease in an instant.
Hyogo Prefecture is going to proceed with the construction of a pumping station that will drain water from the largest river in western Japan to the sea due to storm surges and Nankai Trough earthquakes and tsunamis. As a result, the entire bottom of Imazu Beach was scraped off, and concrete was poured into it so that the beach would never return to its former glory.
In addition, Imazuhama has been reclaimed, and even though it is not a foreshore but a deep part of the reclaimed land, creatures have lived desperately to make it their home again.

We are not against the construction of drainage pumps by Hyogo Prefecture.
This is because I know the past that the lives of local residents have been threatened and tormented by storm surges. I can also understand the assertion that the prefecture needs to prepare for the Nankai megathrust earthquake.
However, that is not enough. Is it okay to ignore Hama's life and simply destroy it just for the convenience of those who want to save us? We don't think so.
In addition, despite the fact that this construction plan started eight years ago, most of the local residents did not know about it, and only the leader of the town residents' association was informed, and the plan was carried out only with explanations to a small number of people. It is about to be implemented today. It was mid-August 2022 when I found out.
After that, I consulted with prefectural and city council members, and after that, with their help, on September 5, 2022, I was able to receive an explanation of the construction from the section manager and assistant section manager in charge of construction at the Amagasaki Port Authority. At that time, I was not against the construction of a pumping station in order to protect human life, but I did not want to destroy everything that would deprive the life of the beach. When I told him that it would be possible to leave the beach without reclaiming the space, he did not deny the idea, and there were scenes where he thought about how it could be done. For that reason, in order for us to firmly convey our intentions to the prefecture and the city and have them take action, this signature campaign is the next most important action. It is necessary to gather supportive voices to reconsider the construction design and protect the environment, and to lead to next-generation environmental learning and the publicization of wildlife watching as a playground.
Mr. Ryohei Yamanishi, adviser to the Nishinomiya City Shellfish Museum, who wrote the research report on Imazu Beach, and Ms. Yoko Otani, Nishinomiya Nature Conservation Association, who wrote the research report on the flora of the beach. However, life on this beach has miraculously recovered through the power of the natural world. It is written that we strongly demand an alternative plan for the continuation of this beach.

Imazu beach has survived two large-scale construction projects in the past, miraculously restoring the ecosystem of the sea and plants of Imazu beach However, if the next pumping station construction work is carried out, this beach will forever lose its function as a beach. We believe that it is very important to leave this beach as much as possible and to continue the ecosystem of this beach into the future.


Issued by Hyogo Prefectural Newsletter HYOGO
From the July 2022 issue
Information links for the construction of water gates and drainage pump stations around Imazuhama

Published by Masakazu Sugano, member of the Nishinomiya City Council
Kanno Shimbun May 2022 (Reiwa 4) Issued from the 3rd page article "Imazu Beach will disappear" Link to information on Hyogo Prefecture's integrated drainage pump station etc.


The Imazu Lighthouse in Imazuhama is the oldest navigational aid in Japan since 1810, the 7th year of Bunka.
The Imazu Lighthouse will also be forced to move due to construction.
It has been decided that this lighthouse will also be forced to relocate due to the construction of a drainage pump. The relocation site will be about 500 meters east of the beach, and the prefecture has said it will be turned into a park. As a result, blue signs are forced to change to red as well.

I want to ask for a part of the beach to survive in the future instead of completely disappearing
If we can leave a part of the beach behind, the park after the Imazu Lighthouse will be transformed into a field where people can talk and learn about the history of the maritime transportation of the Taru Kaisen and the art of navigation through physical play. What. Instead of protecting the Imazu Lighthouse, which is an important historical and cultural heritage, from tsunamis and storm surges and relocating it to a park on flat ground, we urged Hyogo Prefecture to build it on a hill that can reach the navigation of ships, and the hill is also for children. I would like to create a green breakwater and have a function to protect the safety of local residents.

Also, if this park and a part of the beach are left, they were originally in one place, so I propose to create a place that firmly links the two places.
If you can make the beach environment a field where you can play, learn, and touch it, you can take advantage of the environmental characteristics of Imazu Beach, such as the tidal flats with gentle slopes and rough stones supervised by Mr. Ryohei Yamanishi, an advisor to the Nishinomiya Shell Museum. We have an idea to reproduce the reedbeds that existed in the past, create an environment where crabs, shrimps, and various juvenile fish live, and make it possible for seabirds that fly long distances to rest and find food.
In addition to the lighthouse park, I would like to propose to Hyogo Prefecture to create a green breakwater on the beach and plant broad-leaved trees of various kinds with the children, selecting appropriate species.

History of Imazu Lighthouse
Link from Ozeki website
Link from Wikipedia

There are people who love the Imazu Lighthouse in Spokane, Washington state!!
The Imazu Lighthouse has such high value as a Japanese historical heritage that citizens visiting from Spokane, Washington state which has a friendship city relationship with Nishinomiya City, have returned to their hometowns and built replicas of the Imazu Lighthouse. It is a proof that you understand that there is.

Imazu Beach is an important place to convey the history of the Taru Kaisen
The Imazu Lighthouse was the starting point of the Taru Kaisen, a unique culture that delivered fresh, high-quality sake in a short period of time, which was very popular among the common people of Edo during the Edo period. It has a history of watching over the safety of navigation.
In the immediate vicinity of Imazu Beach, there is an unrivaled “Miyamizu” spring.
In addition, right next to Imazu Beach, near the coastal area, a sake brewery called Imazugo has been established since the Edo period.
The stratum and seawater of the surrounding beach and the underground water from Mt. Rokko and Mt. It springs up. This "Miyamizu" is a wonderful treasure of Nishinomiya City that is still used by many major breweries such as Ozeki and Hakushika.
This "Miyamizu" is delicate, and it is said that even now it is small, but it is mixed with the Miyamizu water vein due to the tide difference from the sea and the beach. No investigative report has reported that the Miyamizu used by the Miyamizu exists, and there is no doubt that this Miyamizu nurtures life in the Seto Inland Sea and has the power to purify it.
Nishinomiya City Miyamizu Conservation Ordinance

Posted by Maki Sugahara Article link about Imazuhama reclamation

As the construction work is imminent, some of the beach will remain and there is plenty of room for creating a field where children can watch and learn about the ecosystem. We strongly urge you to reconsider the construction design! !
Everyone in the world, and everyone in Japan, please help us to avoid this crisis, review the design of the pumping station construction, and save even a little bit of the beach. Also, if you have any acquaintances or friends living in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, I would like you to pass this information on. I would like to humbly thank you

158 people agreed. He will reach 200 soon!

With 200 upvotes, this campaign is more likely to appear in the recommendations on his page!
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Nishinomiya Imazuhama is now in a desperate situation where it will disappear due to reclamation work. If the signatures are collected, the immediate construction will be temporarily stopped, and if the plan and design are reviewed, a chance will be opened to open a way to protect life on the beach.

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