Reform the American Education System to Enhance Community Empathy and Environmental Awareness

Reform the American Education System to Enhance Community Empathy and Environmental Awareness
Why this petition matters
As a veteran who has served our great country, I stand proud and seek the same pride in the community I call home - Los Angeles. But pride is hard to come by in a region carelessly devastated by environmental negligence and haunted by its profound lack of compassion. Five precious forests turned to nothing but ash, their wildlife mercilessly killed by flames - all while a detached audience of celebrities dance amid the ruin. This isn't the America we ought to be; not just for us, but also for the coming generations.
This vile apathy and lack of understanding of humanity's impacts, I believe, can find a solution in an urgent and comprehensive overhaul of our American education system. A system where learning is not limited to academics but also enhances emotional intelligence. Where empathy, responsibility towards nature and fellow beings become an integral part of the learning curriculum.
The connection between education and compassion isn't merely rhetoric. A nationwide study reveals that educational programs fostering empathy significantly reduce school-based conflicts and crime rates (Nationwide studies on Empathy-based educational programs). In another study, students exposed to environmental education showed a higher commitment to the environment as adults (Survey on Impacts of Environmental Education, Nationwide).
Therefore, we must bring to light the urgency to reform our education system. Not just for the recovery of Los Angeles' forests and wildlife, but for every town, city, and community grappling with similar issues across America. Let's give our children a curriculum that molds them into responsible and compassionate adults, who will pave the way forward towards a more respectful and harmonious coexistence with nature.
To meet this goal and build a community we can all be proud of, it's time to act. It's time for our voices to be heard. Sign this petition. Let's shoulder the responsibility for a compassionate America together.
I propose that we change Curriculum to better reflect the needs of the community by requiring civics, charity and community service as part of the requirements to graduate.
i propose that children who outtest their peers be encouraged to graduate early and leave their Schools. I propose that children who have no interest in Learning in a school be given several opportunities to seek independence and enrichment through internships, entrepreneurship, employment and travel to make them feel ready to accept adult responsibility.
i propose that schools reduce class size dramatically while raising the wages of teachers on a national level. These teachers are not babysitters. They are the people who stand between your children and the path toward complete ignorance. Pay them accordingly.
I propose that Parents be required to sign every test, quiz, report card and disciplinary records as a requirement for attendance of their children. Parents in America will no longer have that doubt about how their children do academically or their vital role in continuing education at home with their supervision and guidance.
I propose that schools be updated and outfitted with the latest technologies including School Cellphones which are personal and limited to functions that are designed specifically for school activities and emergencies.
I propose that schools be rezoned to have an attachment of law enforcement and medicine on site. Schools are where are most vulnerable of the population spend most of their time. By rezoning schools as a collegiate campus instead of a simple building will make response times and monitoring better during a crisis. This will also foster healthy relationships with law enforcement and medical staff later as adults. By seeing these pillars of community during this critical time, they will learn discretion, tact, and respect for authority in a safer healthier environment.
I propose that school lunches and vending machines be reflective of healthy choices.
at least one vending machine must be well stocked and Free for Healthy Alternatives.
I propose that aluminium and plastic be banned from our educational institutions. Send a clear message to our youth and All vendors that the Earth is not a landfill for empty calories and empty bottles.
I propose that the 8am start of school be forever abolished to free young healthy minds to gain the rest their bodies require. Sleep deprivation in children is a national emergency for America. It affects their ability to think critically, rationally and may lead to irritability. That irritability causes children to resent schools, learning and those that force them away from a normal rest cycle.
replace that with a schedule that reflects their personal bodily needs and also attunes with the circadian rhythm appropriate for their latitude.
allow schools to be evaluated and reviewed to see if any or all of these reforms are appropriate for their communities.