Ban discrimination in schools based on style/texture of hair!

Ban discrimination in schools based on style/texture of hair!

April 5, 2023
Signatures: 39,579Next Goal: 50,000
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Why this petition matters


There have been repeated cases in schools where people of all backgrounds living in Japan, including mixed-race and biracial people, are discriminated against because of their hair color, texture, and style.

We believe that these discriminatory cases in schools that have been reported by the media and the various voices that have been raised via social media in recent years must no longer be ignored. We demand that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology issue the following notices to each Prefectural Board of Education.

  1. Prohibition of discriminatory behavior /Review of problematic school rules
  2. Periodic anti-discriminatory workshops and materials provided by experts

Petitioner Japan for Black Lives



Context and Rationale

[Example of cases reported by the Japanese media]

  • Students asked to provide “natural hair certificate” (40% of metropolitan high schools)(*1)
  • Ban on braids. After negotiations, braids are permitted but only up to a specified amount.
  • Student’s hair cut in front of classmates
  • Student forced to spend graduation ceremony in isolation due to hairstyle

※ These examples are relevant to all students whose natural hair is not black and/or straight.

[School rules and discriminatory enforcement based on unfounded preconceptions]

People living in Japan from all backgrounds, including those that are mixed-race, may have curly hair. In particular, hairstyles such as cornrows and box braids have historically and culturally signified more than just a fashion aspect for people with black ancestry; they are protective styles for the wearer’s hair and scalp that bring a sense of empowerment with respect to their roots.

Although there are differences in the types of curls, some curly and voluminous hair may be difficult to manipulate into styles mandated by school rules.

However, students with such hair are treated discriminatorily based on stereotypes and biased ideas, such as that curly hair and hairstyles are "too fashionable", "aggressive", and even "unclean".


Texturism is a form of discrimination in which straight hair and loose curls are treated more favorably and viewed as more beautiful than thick curly hair.

We believe the aforementioned cases of discrimination are rooted in texturism.


Few people would object to the fact that hair quality and hair color differ from person to person. However, the idea that “clean” hair can only be achieved by straight black hair that can be easily manipulated into specified lengths and styles leads to texturism, which justifies some students being treated unfairly.


[Hair Discrimination]

Hair discrimination is unfair or differential treatment based on style or texture of hair.


We condemn any acts of punishment or discrimination against students based on texturism, either systematically or individually, and particularly for reasons that have not been outlined in school rules or have no clear grounds.

[The movement to end hair discrimination in the US]

The Jett Hawkins Act, which came into effect in the state of Illinois on January 1, 2022, is a law that prohibits discrimination based on hairstyles in schools within the state.

The CROWN Act of 2022 (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) is a California law that aims to create a society that openly respects natural hair. It stipulates the protection of people who wear natural hair and hairstyles from discrimination in the workplace. Illinois, already under the Jett Hawkins Act, has also passed this Act alongside sixteen other states in the US that have implemented similar laws. 

[ Call to Sign the Petition/Process of Submission]

Discriminatory treatment based on hairstyles and hair texture is seen not only in schools but also in places of employment. However, we are filing a petition to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology demanding the protection of the youth in schools.

▼Demands to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

In order to protect students' fundamental rights at all educational institutions under the control of MEXT, we request that the following measures be implemented.

  • Prohibition of discriminatory behavior/Review of problematic school rules
    • End discriminatory acts in schools such as cutting students’ hair and excluding them from classes and ceremonies based on hairstyle. Submit a notice from the Board of Education to all heads of schools that they must amend their rules if necessary. Perform regular audits of school policies and practices.
  •  Periodic anti-discriminatory workshops and materials provided by experts
    • Provide everyone who works at the school, full- and part-time, with opportunities to learn and receive educational materials from experts about the diversity of hair colors and textures other than straight black hair, how certain hairstyles are meant to protect natural hair and express cultural pride. These learning opportunities should be held regularly, such as at the beginning of each academic year, rather than as a one-time event.


Your signature will support children and their right to live and go to school in their natural hair!

Thank you for your support.


Cover by macrovector/Source:Freepik 

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Signatures: 39,579Next Goal: 50,000
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